Nomination Criteria

Regular Nomination Criteria

To see examples of the different nomination criteria, see the webpage nomination criteria 1-9.

1. A Scientific Approach to Teaching and Learning

From Uppsala University’s Guidelines for Educational Activity and Development:
” Both the subject content as well as the pedagogy on which the teaching of that subject is based will have firm scientific foundations.”

2. Activity-Promoting Forms of Teaching

From Uppsala University’s Guidelines for Educational Activity and Development:
” All syllabuses and teaching will be based on both subject and educational knowledge, and will aim to facilitate students’ ability to take responsibility for their own independent, active learning.”

3. Clear Continuity and Progression

From Uppsala University’s Guidelines for Educational Activity and Development:
” Programmes and courses will be characterized by a clear connection between learning outcomes, forms of teaching and the examinations.”

4. Examination and Feedback as Educational Policy Instrument

From Uppsala University’s Guidelines for Educational Activity and Development:
“The knowledge, skills and competencies stipulated in the learning outcomes will determine which forms of examination are selected. Examination criteria will apply to examinations and students must be informed about these and given the opportunity to understand how they are applied. The teacher must discuss with students what is permitted and what may count as cheating or plagiarism.”

5. Collaboration between Teachers and Students

From Uppsala University’s Guidelines for Educational Activity and Development:
“The classroom climate must be characterized by mutual respect and responsibility.”

6. Clear Educational Leadership

From Uppsala University’s Guidelines for Educational Activity and Development:
“Every institution and every programme as well, will have a clear educational leadership, i.e. one or more educational coordinators.”

7. Continuous Follow-up and Feedback

From Uppsala University’s Guidelines for Educational Activity and Development:
“Every institution and every programme as well, will have a clear educational leadership, i.e. one or more educational coordinators.”

8. Peer-cooperation and Exchange of Ideas

From Uppsala University’s Guidelines for Educational Activity and Development:
“The University will promote a continuing discussion about the development of forms of teaching, and will support educational development projects. Educational development will be based on research into how learning is best promoted and how learning can be the result of cooperation between students and teachers.”

9. Other information regarding the candidate’s pedagogical work

