Nomination criteria 1-9

1. A Scientific Approach

The nominee fulfills some of the following examples:

  • Basing the education on firm scientific foundations and well-proven experience.
  • Giving the students an opportunity to develop a scientific approach and way to work.
  • Keeping up to date with research and continually contemporizing his or her knowledge.
  • Discussing the interpretation of the subject as well as how it develops, exemplified, among other things, by the departmental research.
  • Discussing different perspectives on the subject, such as ethical perspectives, research traditions, gender perspectives and international aspects.
  • Stimulating the students to become active learners, be creative and think critically.
  • Providing conditions for students to develop their ability to independently analyze, reflect, draw conclusions, assess, challenge and be creative.
  • Putting the course and subject into an understandable context for the students, and linking these to current research and international circumstances.
  • Other efforts to promote a scientific approach within the education.

2. Activity-promoting Forms of Teaching

  • Choosing educational methods that stimulate student activity, promote deep learning and encourage cooperation.
  • Planning the education in a way that gives students the possibility to reflect individually, process literature and develop a critical way of thinking.
  • Giving the students room for discussion with teachers and fellow students in order to gather information, expand and develop their knowledge.
  • Creating a positive environment which stimulates the students´ dedication to and interest in a subject and thereby promote learning.
  • Utilizing the students’ knowledge, experiences and perspectives.
  • Putting the content of a subject into a wider context.
  • Utilizing the perspectives of foreign students as well as students with experience of studies abroad.
  • Providing the education with a link to working life to as large an extent as possible.
  • Using net-based teaching methods in a form that increases the value of students’ studies.
  • Giving the students the opportunity to benefit from the existing infrastructure of libraries, IT and such.
  • Providing the students with the opportunity to practice the acquiring and examination of information.
  • Stimulating the learning, creativity and critical thinking of the individual student.
  • Putting the course and subject into an understandable context for the students.
  • Integrating different forms of training skills in their teaching (e.g. oral and written presentations).
  • Adapting their teaching to students’ different backgrounds and levels.
  • Ensuring that new ideas for teaching are realized.
  • Planning and running different pedagogical activities with respect to a gender perspective.
  • Renewing the educational forms and content together with colleagues (for example web-based teaching).
  • Other efforts to improve activity-promoting methods of teaching.

3. Clear Continuity and Progression

  • Operating in favour of clear connection between learning outcomes, teaching and learning activities and assessment tasks (constructive alignment).
  • Informing the students about this constructive alignment.
  • Putting the course and subject into an understandable context for the students, and linking these to current research and international circumstances.
  • Working towards a clear progression of expected results, in terms of learning objectives for knowledge, skills and abilities , between basic and high levels and/or within each level through elaboration or broadening of learning.
  • Adapting their teaching to students’ different backgrounds and levels.
  • Clarifying the connection between theory and practice in certain parts of the education, for example workplace based training.
  • Renewing teaching methods and content together with colleagues (for example, web-based teaching).
  • Other efforts to create a clear continuity and progression in teaching.

4. Examination and Feedback as Educational Policy Instrument

  • Varying the examinations with respect to the knowledge, skills and abilities that are stated in the intended learning outcomes.
  • Developing assessment criteria and informing students about these in a way that make it possible for the student to understand how they are applied.
  • Discussing with the student what is permitted and what may count as cheating or plagiarism.
  • Providing written guidelines for individual assignments.
  • Giving the students constructive feedback on what each one has learned from different situations and what each needs to develop further.
  • Providing the students with the opportunity to improve their ability to critically review their own and other students´ work.
  • Other efforts to promote examination and feedback as educational policy instruments.

5. Collaboration between Teachers and Students

  • Creating a classroom climate that is characterized by mutual respect and responsibility.
  • Discussing and collaborating with students during the course.
  • Creating a positive climate that stimulates the students’ commitment to and interest in the subject, which ultimately encourages the students’ learning.
  • Providing new students with a good introduction with respect to the educational design and demands.
  • Contributing to the early development of good study skills among students.
  • Developing the students’ abilities to independently acquire and assess information.
  • Informing students of Uppsala University’s Guidelines for Educational Activity and Development.
  • Putting the course and subject into an understandable context for the students and elucidating the big picture.
  • Adapting the education to the background and level of the students giving them the opportunity to learn equally.
  • Informing the students about the available supportive resources.
  • Initiating different forms of collaboration with students, colleagues, staff and teachers at other departments in terms of education at basic and advanced levels.
  • Creating a positive climate for discussions about educational issues.
  • Motivating students and colleagues to participate in the development of goals and strategies for teaching.
  • Other efforts to promote the collaboration between teachers and students.

6. Clear Educational Leadership

  • Evaluating and monitoring the pedagogical activity at the department or the programme as a whole.
  • Initiating, stimulating and fulfilling educational development.
  • Other efforts that signify a clear educational leadership.

7. Continuous Follow-up and Feedback

  • Following and analyzing the education in regard to the educational quality related to the expected results.
  • Following up the teaching with course evaluations according to the university guidelines.
  • Recurrently evaluating the entirety of a semester or programme, where appropriate.
  • Providing the students with feedback on the course evaluations and its results or outcomes.
  • Reconsidering and developing the forms of examination based on knowledge of higher education.
  • Encouraging new forms of teaching and examination.
  • Other efforts promoting continuous follow-up and feedback.

8. Peer-cooperation and Exchange of Ideas

  • Contributing to the occurrence of collegial support and the opportunity to collaborate within the department or programme.
  • Contributing to the opportunity to collaborate across department and faculty boundaries and with the library to benefit from the diversity of the university.
  • Contributing to regular meeting within the department/programme as well as the faculty.
  • Keeping informed about and explicating colleagues´ experiences in educational development.
  • Showing interest and devotion for disseminating good examples of educational development within different forums outside the own department/university.
  • Renewing educational material and conveying it to other teachers and departments.
  • Developing new forms of teaching and examination and distributing them.
  • Developing web-based forms of teaching and web-based materials and distributing them.
  • Composing course literature or other teaching aids of good quality.
  • Other efforts promoting peer-cooperation and exchange of ideas.

9. Other

