UU Student Barometer

Gula figurer med pratbubbla ovan och texten du vet vad vi vill veta

The overall aim of the survey is to get a picture of the students’ perceptions of their learning and their study environment. The questions in the survey have a specific focus on the conditions for student learning.


The results can be used as one basis for continued work on the quality development of the University’s courses and programmes. More specifically to supplement course evaluations and constitute one of several basis for e.g. self-evaluation work in connection with reviews of study programmes.

The results are presented in one report per program and subject (i.e. main field of study). In order for a particular programme/subject to receive their results separately, at least ten students are required, due to integrity reasons.

Besides this, two University-wide reports are available; one report with descriptive results, and one report with more in-depth analyses in Swedish:

The questionnaire is designed by the Unit for Quality and Evaluation at Uppsala University. The questionaire are designed as to resemble the eleven aspects in the guidelines for Uppsala Universitys programme reviews.

When formulating the questions, existing evidence for creating good learning conditions has been taken into account. The questionnaire has been discussed in relevant forums, such as with representatives of disciplinary domains/faculties, study programme representatives (faculty programme directors, director of studies, programme coordinators, teacher representatives), the quality advisory board, student cooperation group, the student unions, the student health service and the Division for Quality Enhancement.

In 2018, the survey was sent to a bit more than 32 000 students, and 9083 persons (28 %) responded.


For questions or information about UU Student Barometer please contact The Unit for Quality and Evaluation

