Didaktikens traditioner II, 7,5 hp

Research traditions in Curriculum Studies and Teaching and Learning part 2, 7,5hp


Welcome to the second part of the course Didactie following:

6/11, 3.15 pm - 6.00 pm 14:360, Blåsenhus
Setting the scene, Leif Östman

20/11, 3.15 pm-6.00 pm 14:360, Blåsenhus
Problems, aims and research questions, Jenny W. Folkeryd

3/12, 3.15 pm - 6.00 pm 14:360, Blåsenhus
Theoretical positions, Leif Östman

17/12, 3.15 pm - 6.00 pm 14:327, Blåsenhus
Scientific contributions, Jenny W. Folkeryd

9/1, 3.15 pm - 6.00 pm 14:360 och 14:327, Blåsenhus
Examinaition, Leif Östman and Jenny W. Folkeryd

Learning Objectives

After completing the course, the student is expected to, with a high level of independence, account for and critically discuss:

  • different types of problem formulations, purposes, and research questions within didactic research
  • theoretical frameworks within didactic research traditions
  • the scientific contribution of didactic research

Organization of the seminars

The course is based on the premise that students learn best through a combination of instruction, discussion, teamwork and presentation. The seminars will focus on: a range of prescribed reading material; tutor-directed tasks such as discussion and analysis of recent academic arguments and research findings. Reflections on participants’ own experience and understanding of their own and other educational contexts are also an important feature of the seminar discussions.

Reading and preparation

Please read the essential reading outlined in the study guide before the seminar. Most of the core reading will be available electronically or in hard copy via the library. Some of the publications can also be found on the course area at the staff portal (mp.uu.se). Please check your email address frequently for any changes in the program and for advice on the upcoming sessions.


The course will be assessed through a combination of written assignments and seminar discussions, in accordance with the instructions for the different seminars. For a passing grade all written assignments must have been completed and participation in the last seminar is compulsory. The written assignments will be evaluated against the learning objectives stated above.

Content of seminars

1. Setting the scene

Leif Östman

  1. Read the following articles on the theme of how to think about school and teaching:

This section of reading concerns different overall approaches to teaching and its purposes as well as how one can make empirical analysis of teaching and its purposes.

  • Biesta, G. (2015). What is Education For? On Good Education, Teacher Judgement, and Educational Professionalism. European Journal of Education,50(1), 2015 DOI: 10.1111/ejed.12109 (12 s)
  • Masschelein, J. and Simons, M. (2013). In Defence of the School. A Public Issue (Leuven, E- ducation, Culture & Society Publishers). (valda delar, ca 50 sidor)
  • Lundqvist E., Almqvist, J. & Östman, L. (2009). Epistemological Norms and Companion Meanings in Science Classroom Communication. Science Education 94 (4), 689-709.
  • Van Poeck, K. & Östman, L. (2019). Sustainable development teaching in view of qualification, socialisation and person-formation. In Van Poeck, L. Östman & J. Öhman (eds.), Sustainable Development Teaching: Ethical and political challenges. London: Routledge, pp. 59-69.
  1. Select one or several quotes from each text, quotes that you find thoughtful and/or useful for you in relations to the theme of the sections.
  • Write a reflective text based on the selected texts – up to 200 words per quote – where you focus your choices of theoretical standpoints and/or the consequences for didactic research
  • Upload your text to the course area at the staff portal (mp.uu.se) no later than three days before the seminar.
  • Read the texts written by your group members and prepare questions

2. Problems, aims and research questions

Jenny W. Folkeryd

  1. Read the following texts:
  • Coe, R.et al, pages 3-66
  • Andrée, Maria. (2007). Abstract+ English summary 165-170
  • Berg Nestlog, Ewa (2012). Abstract+ English summary 264-269
  • Bergvall, I. (2016). Abstract + English summary 89-95
  • Günther-Hanssen, A. (2020). Abstract + English summary s. 133-140
  • Larsson, Pia Nygård. (2011). Abstract + English summary 321-327
  • Molloy, Gunilla. (2002). Abstract + English summary 331-338
  • Olofsson, Hans. (2019). Abstract + English summary 420-435
  • Teke, H. (2019). Abstract + Discussion 122-148
  • Tväråna, Malin. (2019). Abstract + English summary 125-142
  1. Write a reflective text (maximum 2 A4 pages) on the problems, aims and research questions that you have encountered in the theses. Focus on similarities and differences and make comparisons to the problem (s), aim(s) and research questions that you are working with in your own thesis.
  • Upload your text to the course area at the staff portal (mp.uu.se) no later than three days before the seminar.
  • Read the texts written and uploaded by your group members and prepare questions for discussion.

3. Theoretical positions

Leif Östman

The texts that you will read have been chosen because they illustrates different ways of understanding and researching one or more of some crucial phenomena in teaching and learning.

Teaching and normativity: and example from sustainability and sustainability teaching

This section of reading is closely connected to the writing of Biesta (2015) and Masschelein &. (2013) and concerns different ways of handling normativity in teaching. We use concrete examples from sustainability and teaching, a theme that is high on educational agendas world-wide, to illustrate one way of handling normativity in concrete teaching activities.

Säfström, C. A. & Östman, L. (2020). Transactive Teaching in a Time of Climate Crisis. Journal of Philosophy of Education, https://doi-org.ezproxy.its.uu.se/10.1111/1467-9752.12477 (14 pages)

Van Poeck, K. & Östman, L. (2020). The Risk and Potentiality of Engaging with Sustainability Problems in Education—A Pragmatist Teaching Approach. Journal of Philosophy of Education. https://doi-org.ezproxy.its.uu.se/10.1111/1467-9752.12467 (14 pages)

Different ways of approaching learning

This section of reading concerns different overall approaches to learning as well as an example how one can argue for choosing one approach in relation to other possible approaches.

Altman, I. & Rogoff, B. (1987). World views in psychology: trait, interactional, organismic and transactional perspectives. In D. Stokols & I. Altman (eds.), Handbook of Environmental Psychology. New York: John Wileys & Sons, pp. 7–40.

Östman & Öhman (in press). A transactional methodology for analysing learning. Mind, Culture, and Activity. (25 sidor)

The relation between Mind and Body and how to approach artifacts

This section of reading concerns different overall approaches to mind - body and artifacts, and empirical research connected to these phenomena.

Almqvist, J. & Östman, L. (2006). Privileging and artifacts: On the use of information technology in

science education. Interchange, 37(3), 225-250.

Almqvist, J. & Quennerstedt, M (2015). Is there (any)body in science education? Interchange 46(4), 439-453.

Shilling, C. (2017): Body Pedagogics: Embodiment, Cognition and Cultural Transmission. Sociology, Vol. 51(6), 105–122.

4. Scientific contributions

Jenny W. Folkeryd

  1. Read the following texts:
  • Andrée, Maria. (2007). Abstract+ English summary 165-170
  • Berg Nestlog, Ewa (2012). Abstract+ English summary 264-269
  • Bergvall, I. (2016). Abstract + English summary 89-95
  • Günther-Hanssen, A. (2020). Abstract + English summary s. 133-140
  • Larsson, Pia Nygård. (2011). Abstract + English summary 321-327
  • Molloy, Gunilla. (2002). Abstract + English summary 331-338
  • Olofsson, Hans. (2019). Abstract + English summary 420-435
  • Teke, H. (2019). Abstract + Discussion 122-148
  • Tväråna, Malin. (2019). Abstract + English summary 125-142
  1. Write a reflective text (maximum 2 A4 pages) on the scientific contributions of the theses that you have read. Focus on similarities and differences and make comparisons to the type of scientific contribution that you are aiming for in your own thesis.
  • Upload your text to the course area at the staff portal (mp.uu.se) no later than three days before the seminar.
  • Read the texts written and uploaded by your group members and prepare questions for discussion.

5. Final assessment

Jenny Wiksten Folkeryd and Leif Östman

  1. Select and read two doctoral theses in didactics from another University than Uppsala.
  2. Read Tracy (2010), pages 837-851
  3. Based on your PhD project and the course literature (including the two theses selected), write an essay of up to 2000 words where you present and motivate your problem, your purpose, your research questions and your theoretical choices.
  • Upload your text to the course area at the staff portal (mp.uu.se) no later than three days before the seminar.
  • Read the texts written and uploaded by your group members and prepare questions for discussion.

