Videobaserad forskning: interaktionsanalyser och etnografi i pedagogiska sammanhang, 7,5 hp

Video-based research: interaction analyses and ethnography in educational contexts”. Kursen är på 7,5 hp

The course gives an overview and concrete knowledge of ethnographic research methods with a focus on video-based research on interaction in educational contexts. The interaction analytic perspectives that are introduced are ethnomethodology, conversation analysis, multimodal interaction analysis and language socialization. During the course we will work on different parts of the analytic process, ranging from collected data to publication, with a focus on thefollowing central concepts: knowledge, learning, instructions, moral, emotions, socialization and identities. Research ethics is actualized in relation to all the different parts of the analytic process. Teaching is organized in lectures, seminars, data workshops and course assignments.

The course is intended for doctoral students who have initiated or finished data collection asanalyses of own research material is a central part of the course. The number of participants is limited.

Teachers: Helen Melander Bowden, Ann-Carita Evaldsson, and Niklas Norén

Course dates Fall 2024


10/9 13-17
Perspectives, research questions, analytic units, research ethics
11/9 9-12
Case studies, trajectories, collections. Analysis and transcription


1/10 13-17
Ethnographic analyses and contextualization of activities and practices. Data workshop

2/10 9-12
Knowledge, instructions, and learning. Data workshop


22/10 13-17
Participation, embodiment, and co-construction in atypical interaction. Data workshop

23/10 9-12
Affect, emotions, and morality-in-interaction. Data workshop

Concluding conference

12/11 13-17 - - 13/11 9-12
Presentation and discussion of course participants’ papers


