Exchange Students

The Department of Govenment offers a wide range of courses in politics and development studies. Our teachers and researchers publish extensively and broadly for both international and Swedish audiences.

The Department of Government is situated around the historic Skytteanum building in the heart of the city, which is a part of Uppsala University’s Gamla torget (Old Square) Campus. The main entrance is located on Östra Ågatan 19.

Skytteanum i starkt solljus

Application to the exchange programme has to be made via your own university or department. Once you have been selected, your university or department will contact us and "nominate" you as their candidate for Uppsala University. Nominated students will be admitted to the programme within the limits of the exchange quota agreed between your own university and the Department of Government. On acceptance of your nomination, you will receive information about the next steps you have to take in order to study with us and how to apply for courses.

Courses in English at the Department of Government

Courses at the department, and at Uppsala University, are generally 7.5 or 15 credits course modules. 7.5 credits courses comprise 4–5 weeks of full-time study, 15 credits courses 9–10 weeks of full-time study. Students take their courses sequentially. Full-time studies encompass 30 credits per semester, or approximately 1.5 credits per week (40 working hours). Courses are available at either undergraduate level (Bachelor's) or advanced level (Master's).

Courses at other departments

Visiting students normally select courses at the department where they are exchange students, however courses from other departments can also be selected. However, we cannot guarantee admission to courses in other departments. If you wish to take a course at another department, please contact the Exchange Coordinator at the Department of Government well in advance of the time to select courses (before 15 October for the spring semester and before 15 April for the autumn semester).

Swedish language courses

Uppsala University offer a course for you who want to learn the basics of the Swedish language. The course is aimed for international students without previous knowledge of the Swedish language. Basic Swedish 1 gives you an introduction to the Swedish language through teacher-led training and to an extent self-learning. Taking the course also gives you the opportunity to get to know and study with other international students.The course includes 48 lessons and you meet the teacher and your group twice a week. Passed course gives you 7,5 credits and aims at the A1 level on the CEFR-scale.

If you are intreesting in taking this course, please contact the Exchange Coordinator at the Department of Government.


Stina-Lena Kaarle Exchange Coordinator
Telephone: 018-471 74 43

Book an appointment

