
HERO reports

Vetenskap & Allmänhet

”Genomströmningen är dålig, men de som strömmar igenom är bra”

The report presents the results of the second sub-study in the project Genomströmning och avhopp på ämneslärarprogrammen vid Uppsala universitet.

The study was conducted by Emma Laurin, Lisa Backman and Ida Lidegran.

Download the report (Swedish). Pdf, 658 kB.

HERO reports 2023:1.

Vetenskap & Allmänhet

Genomströmning och avhopp på ämneslärarprogrammen vid Uppsala universitet

The report Genomströmning och avhopp på ämneslärarprogrammen vid Uppsala universitet: Statistiskt analys presents the results from the first sub-study in the project Genomströmning och avhopp på ämneslärarprogrammen vid Uppsala universitet.

The study was conducted by Emil Bertilsson, André Bryntesson, Joakim Olsson and Mikael Börjesson.

Download the report (Swedish). Pdf, 5 MB.

HERO reports 2022:2.

Vetenskap & Allmänhet

Covid-19 och universitetet

The report Covid-19 och universitetet: Lärares och studenters erfarenheter presents results from the project Covid-19 och universitetet.

The study was conducted by Ida Lidegran, Emma Laurin, Joakim Olsson and Cornelia Gustavsson.

Download the report (Swedish). Pdf, 973 kB.

HERO reports 2022:1.

Other reports

Vetenskap & Allmänhet

Referenser och citeringar i utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning i Sverige, 2001–2021

Over the past 20 years, educational science research has emerged as a well-established research field. This report presents a comprehensive mapping and analysis of references and citations for educational science research in Sweden, with the aim of showing the international anchoring of Swedish educational science research.

The report was written by HERO on behalf of the Committee for Educational Sciences at the Swedish Research Council.

Download the report (Swedish).

Vetenskap & Allmänhet

Kartläggning av utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning, 2001–2021

Over the past 20 years, educational science research has emerged as a well-established research field. This report presents a survey and analysis of educational sciences research in Sweden during the period 2001-2021, focusing on externally funded research and publications in the field.

The report was written by HERO on behalf of the Committee for Educational Sciences at the Swedish Research Council.

Download the report (Swedish).

