The AMR Studio

The AMR Studio is a podcast dedicated to highlighting the multidisciplinary research on antimicrobial resistance that is happening around the world. Formatted around interviews with professionals working in all aspects of the topic, we aim to bring the global and trans-sectorial nature of the fight against antimicrobial and antibiotic resistance to anyone with an interest. You can follow us and subscribe to our podcast to get new episodes directly in your preferred device and platform:

iTunes, Spotify & SoundCloud

You can also follow us on twitter @UAC_UU; we are using the hashtag #theAMRStudio for news and updates, and you can use it to tell us anything you want!

The AMR Studio is co-led by Eva Garmendia -UAC coordinator- & Elin Fermér -doctoral candidate-. We also collaborate as well with other colleagues on a occasional basis.

the AMR studio hosts conducting an interview live at the SciFest

Take a look at our archives. Episodes from newest to oldest. Enjoy!

  • Episode 55: Alberto Antonelli & testing diagnostics. Failed AMR language. Resistance begets resistance. Monday 8th April 2024.
  • Episode 54: Suzanne Ruhe-van der Werff & automated surveillance. A preorganized antibiotic. Engineering a probiotic. Monday 4th March 2024.
  • Episode 53: Álvaro San Millán & plasmids. AMR terminology. Co-designing AMR solutions with communities. Monday 6th November 2023.
  • Episode 52: Jakob Altgärde, an ID physician. Antibiotic combinations for gram positives. The Antibiocene. Monday 16th October 2023.
  • Episode 51: Cassandra Quave & ethnobotany. Antibiotics & CRE growth in the gut. Sub-MIC & river biofilms. Monday 4th September 2023.
  • Episode 50: Sophia Wood & an AMR exhibition. Preventing resistance evolution. Policy briefs at EU & WHO. Monday 3rd July 2023.
  • Episode 49: Dame Sally Davies & global governance. AI for antibiotic discovery. Nanomovement diagnostics. Monday 12th June 2023.
  • Episode 48: Anna Sjöblom & ReAct. Population ab use & the gut microbiome. Host-specific plasmid evolution. Monday 8th of May 2023.
  • Episode 47: Pernilla Rönnholm, Laura Cigolot & patient groups. On-site pharmacies. Collateral phenotypes in M. tuberculosis. Monday 3rd April 2023.
  • Episode 46: Alison Prendiville & service design. Antimicrobials in food animals. Bacteriuria & ICU stays. Monday 6th of March 2023.
  • Episode 45: Nicola Gale & sociology. Mycobiota & salmonella infections. Use of imagery in global health. Monday 6th February 2023.
  • Episode 44: Jonas Fuks & the Swedish coordination group. CRP test and conversation analysis. ProQ and persistence. Monday 5th December 2022.
  • Episode 43: Vaughn Cooper & biofilms. Tigecycline resistance. Chromosomal Hybrids. Pneumococcal vaccine. Monday 7th November 2022.
  • Episode 42: Björn Rönnerstrand & political sciences. Non-prescribed antibiotic acquisition. Prescribing consensus. Contextual factors for prescribing. Monday 3rd October 2022.
  • Episode 41: Bruce Blough, Elliott Pauli & CC4CARB. Cefiderocol resistance. Studying biofilms in space. Monday 5th September 2022.
  • Episode 40: John Jernigan & decolonization. Paper AST. A potential new Giardia treatment. AMR vaccines. Monday 1st August 2022.
  • Episode 39: Vanessa Carter & patient advocacy. A stewardship game. Evolution of antibiotic tolerance. Monday 6th June 2022.
  • Episode 38: Carl-Fredrik Flach & sewage surveillance. Water chlorination & microbiome. C. difficile spread between humans & animals. Monday 2nd May 2022.
  • Episode 37: Celia Souque & evolution + outreach. Colistin and silver. Qualitative research on AMS. Monday 11th April 2022.
  • Episode 36: Michael Craig & the CDC on AMR. Global antimicrobial consumption. Metronidazole resistance. Monday 7th of March 2022.
  • Episode 35: Christer Malmberg & rapid diagnostics. MALDI-TOF machine learning. Global burden of AMR. Monday 7th of February 2022.
  • Episode 34: Laura Piddock & her career in AMR. A new synthetic antibiotic. Mining the human proteome for antimicrobial peptides. Monday 13th December 2021.
  • Episode 33: Manica Balasegaram & the work of GARDP. AMR & patients with cancer. CRISPR-Cas antimicrobials. Monday 4th October 2021.
  • Episode 32: Anna Dumitriu & bioart. Access to antibiotics in high-income countries. Monday 6th September 2021.
  • Episode 31: David Hyun & the work of The Pew Charitable Trusts on AMR. Antibiotic treatment & probiotics. Monday 2nd August 2021.
  • Episode 30: Luisa de Sordi & bacteriophages. The impact of travel on resistance. New ABR viewpoint & other news. Monday 5th July 2021.
  • Episode 29: Ana Brochado & high through-put methods in AMR. Candida albicans infections. Role of host immunity in acute infections. Monday 7th of June 2021.
  • Episode 28: Rachel Irwin & the visual culture of AMR. WHO report on the antibacterial pipeline. Neonatal sepsis in LMICs. Monday 3rd May 2021.
  • Episode 27: Helle Aagaard & AMR advocacy. Stewardship & access plans. Resistance & artificial sweeteners. Monday 12th April 2021.
  • Episode 26: Mirko Ancillotti & bioethics. Resistance to antibiotics vs. vaccines. Monday 1st of March 2021.
  • Episode 25: Linus Sandegren & mobile genetic elements. Identifying resistance origins. Reimbursing ABs. Monday 1st of February 2021.
  • Episode 24: Lindon Moodie & organic chemistry. Diagnostic usage behavior in India. AMR Voices. Monday 7th of December 2020.
  • Episode 23: Teresa Zardán & nanotechnology in AMR. The PASTEUR act. AMR update outlook compilation. Monday 2nd of November 2020.
  • Episode 22: Olof Lindahl & business studies in AMR. Testing Ab combinations. Plasmid stability evolution. Monday 5th of October 2020.
  • Episode 21: Ursula Theuretzbacher, an independent AMR scientist. The new AMR Action Fund. Renaming Antimicrobial Resistance. Monday 7th of September 2020.
  • Episode 20: Peter Jørgensen & AMR resilience. Public AMR explanations. Update on teixobactin. Monday 6th of July 2020.
  • Episode 19: Johan Bengtsson Palme & AMR in the environment. Colistin pharmacokinetics. AB use in LMIC. Monday 1st of June 2020.
  • Episode 18: François Lebreton & bioinformatics. Machine Learning approaches in AMR. Monday 4th of May 2020.
  • Episode 17: Kristina Osbjer & National Action Plans. A new rapid Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing. Antibiotic treatment & diabetes type I. Monday 6th of April 2020.
  • Episode 16: John Rex & Antibiotics R&D. AMR in Newspapers. Collateral sensitivity mechanisms. Monday 2nd of March 2020.
  • Episode 15: Jasper Littmann & policy on AMR. Preclinical pipeline. Development challenges. Monday 13th of January 2020.
  • Episode 14: Catherine Will & messaging on AMR. Framing Resistance. Reports update. Monday December 2nd 2019.
  • Episode 13: Claas Kirchhelle & a historian's role in AMR. Review of progress on Antimicrobial Resistance. Monday November 4th 2019.
  • Episode 12: Christian Munthe & AMR Ethics; ethical prescriptions; persisters & plasmid transfer in the gut. Monday October 7th 2019.
  • Episode 11: Caroline King & the humanities on AMR; screening experiences; non-traditional therapeutics. Monday September 2nd 2019.
  • Episode 10: Fredrik Almqvist, chemistry on AMR; treating heteroresistance; policy interventions reviewed. Monday August 5th 2019.
  • Episode 9: Chantal Morel & health economy; non-profit antimicrobials; reversing resistance in M. tuberculosis. Monday July 1st 2019.
  • Episode 8: Gerry Wright, a biochemist in AMR; a successful phage-therapy treatment; an emergent resistant fungal infection. Monday 3rd of June 2019.
  • Episode 7: Ayako Ebata & agricultural economics; report to the UN secretary on AMR; targeted killing in bacteria. Monday May 6th 2019.
  • Episode 6: Sophie Helaine & bacterial persistence; breakpoint discrepancies; ABR in the media. Monday April 1st 2019.
  • Episode 5: Steven Hoffman & international law; heteroresistance; AMR funding. Monday March 4th 2019.
  • Episode 4: Coll De Lima Hutchison & anthropology of microbes; fecal polution & AMR; multidrug resistant plasmids in Acinetobacter. Monday February 4th 2019.
  • Episode 3: Anne Kveim Lie & antibiotic futures; antibiotic stewardship in humans and animals. Monday January 7th 2019.
  • Episode 2: Kevin Outterson, CARB-X director; AMR burden in Europe; a new anti-gonorrhoeal drug. Monday December 10th 2018.
  • Episode 1: Antibiotic Resistance, the UAC & World Antibiotic Awareness Week. Monday November 12th 2018.

  • Episode X12: Catching up with friends at ESCMID Global 2024!
  • Episode X11: Community Engagement in AMR.
  • Episode X10: Live from ECCMID23! Special episode live from the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases.
  • Episode X9: Antibiotic Smart Sweden. Special episode with the occasion of the World Antimicrobial Awareness week 2022.
  • Episode X8: WAAW 2021: Awareness from and to the AMR community. Special episode with the occasion of the World Antimicrobial Awareness week 2021.
  • Episode X7: How do we change behaviour around antimicrobial resistance? Special episode in collaboration with the podcast Drug Safety Matters.
  • Episode X6: AMR, Human Behaviour & the Uppsala Health Summit. Special episode with the occasion of the World Antimicrobial Awareness week 2020.
  • Episode X5: Hacking AMR 2019. Special episode bringing to you aN AMR hackathon that took place in Stockholm in 2019.
  • Episode X3 & X4: Communicating AMR. Special two-episode series for the World Antibiotic Awareness Week 2019.
  • Episode X2: Young researchers at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases.
  • Episode X1: Mirko Ancillotti & public awareness of antibiotic resistance.

