Ep 46: Alison Prendiville & service design. Antimicrobials in food animals. Bacteriuria & ICU stays.

phone with wired headphones showing the first episode of the AMR studio playing in the screen

Ready for a new episode? This month of March we bring you an interview with Alison Prendiville, Professor of Service Design at London Colleague of Communication, University of the Arts, London. With Alison, we learn the importance of co-creation and design when working with implementation, and how crucial communication in various forms is for interdisciplinary research. Tune in to learn the journey that took her from working on designing in transport to applied work on AMR, and much more.

In the news section, we talk about a recent research article estimating current trends of antimicrobial use on food-producing animals, and an article studying how antibiotic use shapes bacteriuria during COVID-19 ICU stays. In this episode we also introduce you to our new co-host, PhD student Elin Fermér. We hope you have a great time with us this month!

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  • Prof. Prendiville´s profile page.
  • Re-envisaging Infection Practice Ecologies in Nursing (RIPEN) project.
  • Diagnostics for One Health and User Driven Solutions for AMR (DOSA) project.

Further Reading:

If you have any comments and suggestions you can email us here, or tweet to us (@UAC_UU) using the hashtag #theAMRStudio.

