Ep 38: Carl-Fredrik Flach & sewage surveillance. Water chlorination & microbiome. C. difficile spread between humans & animals.

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Happy month of May! In this one-health oriented episode we bring you the work of Carl-Fredrik Flach, who is an expert on sewage surveillance applied to AMR. In this interview, we chat with him about the overall role of the environment in AMR, what its dimensions are, and learn how sewage surveillance could be an asset to drive empirical treatment, especially in poor-resource settings. In the news section, we bring you a recent article looking into the potential effect of water chlorination in the development of children's microbiome, and a study just presented at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases showing evidence of spread of C. difficile between humans and animals. We hope you enjoy this hour with us, and see you back soon!

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