Introduction to postgraduate studies (3hp)

This course will be next offered: March 27-31 and April 11, 2023

Contact. Peter Eklöv,

Registration deadline: 28 February 2023

Target group. all biology PhD students, preferably during the first year. We kindly ask supervisors to make sure that all new students receive information about this course. It often takes a while before new students are on the e-mail list. We also have new postgraduate students working at e.g. Södertörn, but registered in Uppsala, and they may not be on Uppsala mailing lists.

Course content.

  • Organisation, study plans, staff and functions in biology departments, safety and security, administrative routines, etc.
  • An overview of the research and research facilities at EBC and BMC, including the Botanical Garden, the Museum of Evolution, Scilifelab and the field stations
  • Library service and literature search
  • Working as a teching assistant
  • Popular science opportunities
  • To write an application
  • Good scientific practice
  • Philosophy of science

Course organisation. For the 3 hp (ECTS) you should participate the whole days and actively take part in the discussions on research ethics and philosophy of science. You also need to complete the Wikipedia assignment given during the course.

Course literature. The textbook (Okasha S 2002. Philosophy of Science. A very short introduction. Oxford University Press) does not explicitly deal with biology, but the basic reflections hold for science in general.

For the philosophy of science you will also have to read the textbook, which is the basis for much of the discussion. This means that you have to start reading before the course. Registered participants will get a free copy of the book a couple of weeks before the course starts together with reading instructions and questions for the seminar discussions. There may also be some other material sent out for reading before the course starts.

Reading instructions for philosophy of science Pdf, 45 kB.

If you get ill and miss any of the occasions with philosophy of science you will have to write a short essay about the topic discussed.

