Activities and outcomes during our project

The KINDINMI-project was divided in different outputs. Here is a summary of the activities we eventually performed.

01-09-2017 - 30-04-2018

All partners made an investigation about good practices/obstacles about young migrants and their families´ inclusion in each country/local context. We tried to map the contact between school or other educational units for toddlers, with their guardians and the education/skills of the employees taking care of those children.

We also looked for statistics about migrants, especially new arrivals in preschools and were having a close look at the strategies used to encourage the families to put their children at preschool. We mapped the contacts, through preschool, between immigrant families and other families.

The investigation led to presentations in order to inform each other. Those presentations are now online, in open access (updated until February 2020) on our digital platform.

Out of our findings, we started at an early stage to elaborate material including not so much guidelines than incitements and invitation for practitioners to self-reflection and team work.

In December 2017, we had our first Transnational meeting in Uppsala. During this first meeting, beside presentations by all partners and discussions about the budget and the repartition of the tasks, visits where organized at an open preschool and a public library both engaged in inclusion of migrant families with small children.

01-09-2017 - 29-02-2020

This output has shown to be a more complicated one than expected, because of changing of confidentiality rules for some partner (Aberdeen), and GDPR (General Data protection, May 2018).

Uppsala university was finally able to set up a platform. The main instrument of dissemination has though throughout the time life of the project been the KINDINMI blog, hosted by PH Wien.

The platform was updated with the project products and activities at the end of the project and will be sustained by Uppsala University. Even the blog will be fed and maintained, by PH Wien.

Because of confidentiality rules, the communication tunes between partners were not maintained through the platform or Google drive, but in addition of e-mail and Skype meetings, through an internal portal at Uppsala University (Medarbetarportalen).

We had initially thought having a “learning platform” for interested users, but decided to proceed otherwise: all products are accessible in open access or distributed on request, and can be adapted by the users depending on their context or needs. For the pedagogic material, there are some guidelines, examples and suggestions. This way, the platform has become a sustainable dissemination tool for the outcomes of the project. It can also function as a forum for professional discussions open to other organizations within the EU and elsewhere.

01-02-2018 - 19-10-2018

Out of the mapping from output 1, we started to collect more data, through:

  • Collecting research materials
  • Observations and interviews with preschool staff, families, municipal actors, NGOs, etc.
  • Case studies

We started to develop an issues framework within each country to detail the initial findings that were to inform the next stage of data collection.

We also had local workshops, mostly informing about the main goals of the project and the situation in our contexts, in order to get some feedback, but also with activities conducted with practitioners around the themes of the project: new arrivals and inclusion, language learning and multicultural contexts. Due to GDPR, interviews and observations with children and families have unfortunately become, especially in Scotland and Sweden, strongly restricted.

The second transnational meeting took place 4-8 May 2018 in Aberdeen. One of the aims of the meeting was to better settle the financial reports and the internal and external assessments.

The main goal, though, was to share the results of output 1, which was done through presentations both for the project partners and staff, students at the university of Aberdeen, and practitioners in preschools, sharing our materials and starting to structuring our products. Out of our findings, was could be innovative?

We were even given the opportunity to visit several preschools in Aberdeen and have a closer look at practices in multilingual contexts.

A first course, including professional development activities and aimed at teachers in preschool class and primary school and mother tongue pedagogues, had been developed and implemented in Vienna in July 2018, led by Rainer Hawlik (PH Wien) and Marita Gareis (Uppsala University)

01-10-2018 - 29-02-20

We had a third transnational meeting with the project group 14 October-16 October 2018 in Vienna, in order to report, analyze and compare data from the local workshops leading to development of new knowledge and innovative methods and strategies regarding good practices in social, linguistic and cultural inclusion for young migrants and their families in relation to early schooling at preschool/kindergarten.

We had a Joint Staff Training (also in Vienna, 17-19 October 2018) and an international workshop. Una Cunningham (professor at Stockholm University and author of "Growing Up with Two Languages: A Practical Guide for Multilingual Families and Those Who Support Them" was invited to lecture for the project’s teams and lead discussions around the project and its topics. It helped us to narrow our goals for products (a bit too ambitious in the application) and better identify key themes/ideas to work further with.

During output 4, the project teams kept on collecting learning materials and best teaching practices through research in the local area:

  1. Finding out if any institutions already have products or experience in working with non-native speakers of every age.
  2. Collecting results of research undertaken by the project partners in their countries.
  3. Collecting information on an international level.

In order to develop teaching materials, it was also necessary to build up a wide range of interested teachers in the idea of plurilingualism, who had already experienced different kinds of materials with different target groups. This was important for both testing our ideas and get into contact with families. However, as already mentioned, due to the GDPR law, it was proven difficult to get guardians consent, especially in Scotland and Sweden. The project coordinator had to write an ethics application, which was sent in April and first approved in May 2019.

The innovative teaching materials could then be based on the results of the pedagogical activities carried out with learner’s groups (practitioners in professional training) in order to involve them in investigations and self-reflection about their perception of inclusive education for new arrivals at a preschool level. All partners were involved but the activities performed could vary, depending on the opportunities for partners to conduct activities within their university/community.

During this period, and especially after the Transnational Meeting, we also started to more concretely develop and test innovative methodologies. A first course had been developed and implemented in Vienna in July 2018. Out of this first course, we started planning other courses/training structures, as independent course or part in the curriculum of courses.

Some results were put on our blog (case studies, reports).
We also started precising the contents of our publications and podcast.

In April 2019, a fourth Transnational meeting was held in Olomouc, followed by a Joint staff training event.

Our goals were:

  • Keep on informing each other about developing, testing and analyzing innovative methodologies, and about the local workshops adapted to each context´s situation and needs
  • Producing innovative methods and strategies based on new knowledge developed in the project
  • Producing professional development activities
  • Producing courses for students in the initial teacher training for preschool
  • Finalize the production of guidelines, publications and podcasts

During the Joint Staff Training we invited Glynn Kirkham (consultant in Education and Educational Leadership and management in Prag, focusing on the importance of diversity in education) to lecture for us and to discuss our ideas.

The discussions were very fruitful, and we agreed on producing a set of two didactic products: one more aimed at practitioners and stake holders, the other, a “sharing book”, for practitioners, guardians and children, the two latter being an important target group in the project.

01-05-2019 - 29-02-2020

For output 5, we were updating data about the immigrants´ situation in the project’s context. New regulations had for instance occurred due to political changes or new immigration rules and educational policies.

In order to even include non-migrant families and make them part of the inclusive process, we collected more data and information about the characteristic of the linguistic diversity : national/official languages; linguistic minorities; immigrant languages.

We developed, structured and finalized our set of material, material which can be used by children and families as well as practitioners. This rather simple material can even be used to map differences between the languages of native pupils and other children, to develop more knowledge about even cultural items. The material will hopefully serve as a model for teachers who work with multilingual classes.

Dissemination, implementation activities:

  • Courses aimed towards the targeted groups have been developed, some translated and adapted to local or national contexts.
  • Presentation of the pedagogic kit in and outside of European contexts (Japan)
  • Demonstrations of good practice and innovative methods for stakeholders for example municipalities, governmental organizations dealing with 1) educational matters concerning preschool 2) inclusion of migrants
  • A final conference was held 28-29 October 2019 in Uppsala, during which we had invited representative from the university leading and UHR (Swedish Council for Higher Education), but also with the participation of preschool children and parents to Swedish and multilingual children as well as preschool staff and international students.

We were able to present the project’s preliminary results by the coordinator, Sweden, and teams from Austria, the Czech Republic and Scotland.

The activities/lectures during the conference were based on our choice to focus on multimodal material (including music, pictures, acting, etc.) as means of inclusion. We had for instance a picture book exhibition and quiz at Blåsenhus student library. Some stress was even put on "The Open Preschool as a Good Practice for Inclusion" (lecture and workshop led by two practitioners), and multilingualism (lecture and thematic guided tour in the city, "From taxonomy to translanguaging: a glimpse into language and inclusion in Uppsala").

We also had an introduction and workshops, aimed at both researchers, students and practitioners, about the "KINDINMI’s pedagogic material".

We are since the end date of the project even locally (in each country) working with the implementation and ongoing improvement of the pedagogic kit.

For instance, a pilot project is conducted in Uppsala, in cooperation with the municipality, during Spring 2020 and will result in a conference in September 2020 and a new Erasmus+ application in 2021.

In Olomouc, the project’s partner cooperates for the dissemination with for example ARPOK (A, Activity, R, Respect, P, Interconnectedness, O, Openness, K, Complexity) - a non-governmental organization founded by the Palacký University in Olomouc in 2004, and the National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic.

Courses are planned by all partners. The curriculum has been adapted by the partners in order to match both contexts and target groups. Different versions are in open access on our website.

The KINDINMI multiplier event "Put yourself in someone else’s shoes!" took place at Uppsala University, Blåsenhus, 28th - 29th October 2019.

During this two-day conference, the KINDINMI partnership invited participants (preschool staff, stakeholders, university staff and students, international students and researchers) to listen to lectures, participate into workshops or other activities, visit exhibitions and share the pedagogical material created as part of the project.

Preschools children, a few parents and preschool staff were directly involved in some of the activities. One of the exhibitions was the result of a joint work on "Envelope houses" with contributions from over a hundred preschool children from all partners countries. Some of the houses were pasted on boxes in order to build a small city, others were exposed on panels.

Twenty children from preschools in Uppsala had a performance, under the direction of PhD student Sarah Campbell and with the participation of international students. The event was deliberately placed to make maximum use of the space in order to involve as many people as possible – it was planned in order to claim the space with color, sound, movement, age diversity, collaboration (staff, students, children, local community). By holding the event in this way, we made it memorable – even after the event we remained visible by having our box display in the library window – a prominent position. The children also participated in a craft activity together with international students and each child was given a diploma. All the children from the preschool class had a multilingual background.

The event was deliberately held using two languages. Involving the exchange students was another way of providing a positive experience of languaging and migration for the children in attendance. During the conference, many lectures and activities were stressing the importance of multimodal tools for inclusion. The lectures were connected to the materials elaborated during outputs 4 and 5. As the multiplier event took place before the end of the project, it was a great opportunity to present not only our conclusions and reflections on good practices of inclusion through preschool, but also to present, test and discuss the pedagogic kit which could afterwards be readjusted. The feedback was very good, and out of the conference, a pilot project building upon the KINDINMI pedagogic kit was initiated. Some lectures were bilingual.

The invited speakers were:

  • Fernando Alvarez, who has led a number of continuing education courses for language teachers and teachers of mother tongue in Sweden and in recent years taught Swedish for immigrants. His lecture and performance “Preschool and inclusion then and now, a personal journey”, was followed by an exchange with Véronique Simon, Senior lecturer, Uppsala university and the participants.
  • Lucinda Geoghegan, who is currently a lecturer at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and Creative Learning Director for the National Youth Choir of Scotland. Her work involves

Staff Development training across Britain and many other countries, presenting workshops on

Kodály musicianship and methodology. Her lecture, “Singing should belong to everyone”, was followed by a discussion with Catriona Mc Donald, Senior lecturer, university of Aberdeen, Scotland.

  • Tore Otterup, who is a former senior lecturer in Swedish as a second language at the University of Gothenburg and researcher on multilingualism and the teaching of multilingual pupils. Tore has published books on the teaching of newly arrived and multilingual students. His lecture, “Languages for Life”, was followed by an “Open mic.” moderated by Prof. Mag. Dr. Rainer Hawlik, PH Wien, Austria.
  • Jaana Pesonen, who is a researcher and lecturer at the University of Helsinki, Finland. She works in teacher education, mainly on intercultural education and gender sensitive education. She has done research on diversity in children’s literature, especially related to representations and norms. The title of her lecture was “Inclusion through Literature - Examining Refugee Narratives in Children’s Picture Books”.
  • Tove Österling Wallner, who is project manager for the “Va Med!” project and Nadja Boucheloukh, a preschool teacher and founder of the open preschool Kristallen, a meeting place for the newly arrived family. Together, Tove and Nadja have since 2006 developed several projects, both national and transnational, with the newly arrived family as the target group. Their lecture was about “The Open Preschool as a Good Practice for Inclusion”.

At the end of the conference, a Round table was moderated by Dr. Alena Vavrdova, Senior lecturer, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic.

KINDINMI presentation in Glasgow 06.09.2018 and 07.09.2018

KINDINMI presentation during “The World of the Child” conference at Strathclyde University in Glasgow (Scotland), 06.09.2018 and 07.09.2018

KINDINMI presentation in Uppsala 27.11.2018

KINDINMI presentation for Swedish NA with representatives from EU-Erasmus + in Uppsala (Sweden), 27.11.2018

KINDINMI seminar and workshop in Uppsala 20.04.2019

KINDINMI seminar and workshop with “Intersectional approach in teacher education – Examining didactic methods and contents supporting counter-hegemonic and transformative knowledge production” parents in Uppsala (Sweden), 20.04.2019

KINDINMI Parent talk on racism/diversity in children’s books in Uppsala (Sweden), 21.04.2019

KINDINMI “Parent talk on racism/diversity in children’s books at Pelle Svanslös Open Preschool” in Uppsala (Sweden), 21.04.19

KINDINMI in Vienna 13.09.2018

KINDINMI teacher training “Konzepte und Modelle zur wertschätzenden Begleitung mehrsprachiger Kinder” at University College Teacher Education Vienna (PH Wien) in Wien (Austria), 13.09.2018

KINDINMI workshop at Olomouc University 04.10.2018

KINDINMI workshop at Olomouc University (Czech Republic), 04.10.2018

KINDINMI presentation in Aberdeen 16.01.2019

KINDINMI presentation for Education Undergraduate students at University of Aberdeen (Scotland), 16.01.2019

KINDINMI in Vienna 07.03.2019

KINDINMI teacher training “Konzepte und Modelle zur wertschätzenden Begleitung mehrsprachiger Kinder” at University College Teacher Education Vienna (PH Wien) in Wien (Austria), 07.03.2019

KINDINMI presentation in Baden 10.03.2019

KINDINMI presentation during Scientific Conference of Northeastern University Colleges at University College Teacher Education Lower Austria (PH NÖ) in Baden (Austria), 10.03.2019

KINDINMI presentation in Olomouc 09.04.2019

KINDINMI presentation at Erasmus+ ”Thematic seminar for ongoing projects” in Bergen (Norway), 21. & 22.11.2019

KINDINMI presentation at University Sopron (Hungary), 24.04.2019

KINDINMI presentation during conference “Early childhood education” at University Sopron (Hungary), 24.04.2019

KINDINMI presentation at University of Bologna 25.06.2019

KINDINMI presentation during “Fostering Erasmus+ cooperation projects impact and cross-fertilisation on social inclusion and civic engagement“ at University of Bologna (Italy), 25.06.2019

KINDINMI workshops in Vienna 26.08.2019 and 29.08.2019

KINDINMI workshops with Austrian mother tongue teachers during the seminar “Bildungswissenschaft” at University College Teacher Education Vienna (PH Wien) in Wien (Austria), 26.08.2019 and 29.08.2019

KINDINMI teacher training in Vienna 09.09.2019

KINDINMI teacher training “Konzepte und Modelle zur wertschätzenden Begleitung mehrsprachiger Kinder” at University College Teacher Education Vienna (PH Wien) in Wien (Austria), 09.09.2019

KINDINMI Learning Conversations in Aberdeen 14.09.2019

KINDINMI Learning Conversations at University Aberdeen (Scotland), 14.09.2019

KINDINMI Public presentation in Vienna 16.10.2019

KINDINMI – Kindergarten as a Factor of Inclusion. Public presentation of EC Project 2017-1-SE01-KA203-034587 at University College Teacher Education Vienna (PH Wien) in Wien (Austria), 16.10.2019

KINDINMI presentation in Falun 17.10.2019

KINDINMI presentation during “NILS Nätverksträff 2019” in Falun (Sweden), 17.10.2019

KINDINMI presentation in Tunis 17.10.2019

KINDINMI presentation at “Institut supérieur des sciences humaines” at University El Manar in Tunis (Tunisia), 17.10.2019

KINDINMI presentation in Madrid 27.11.2019

KINDINMI presentation during conference “Exchange of Teacher Training and Implementation of Active Methodologies and Best Practices in Different Educational Systems” at the Camilo José Cela University in Madrid (Spain), 27.11.2019

KINDINMI presentation in Bergen 21. & 22.11.2019

KINDINMI presentation at Erasmus+ ”Thematic seminar for ongoing projects” in Bergen (Norway), 21. & 22.11.2019

