Pharmacists with a foreign degree

To facilitate the entry of pharmacists with a foreign degree into the Swedish labor market, Uppsala University offers a Complementary programme and a Proficiency test as a path to Swedish pharmacist license. In 2022, we developed our Complementary programme with a third semester with a focus on language.

Farmaceut med utländsk examen

On behalf of the Ministry of Education and the National Board of Health and Welfare, Uppsala University coordinates and provides a Complementary programme for pharmacists with a foreign degree. The training is given full-time, is mostly web-based and the participants currently account for more than one in three applications for Swedish pharmacist license. Today, many of our alumni work in sparsely populated regions where their skills are highly needed.

Eligibility for the programme requires foreign pharmacy training and documented knowledge of the English and Swedish languages. For several participants, however, lack of language skills are challenging. Therefore, in 2022 we introduced a third semester: Language introduction to academic studies for foreign pharmacists (Språkintroduktion till akademiska studier för utländska apotekare), designed in collaboration with the Faculty of Pharmacy and Uppsala University's Department of Nordic Languages.

When applying for the education, you assess your linguistic skills in the Swedish language. You who state that you have sufficient language skills must demonstrate this in a language test whose level corresponds to the Test i svenska för universitets- och högskolestudier (Test in Swedish for university and college studies).


Contakt • Proficiency test for pharmacists with a foreign degree

