


Respiratory research within ENT maps disease states and factors as well as how treatment affects our breathing and voice function.

Current research areas 2024:

  1. ELIO
  2. Obstructive sleep apnea in children
  3. Palliation of shortness of breath and effects on quality of life in patients treated bronchoscopically for centrally growing cancer with airway obstruction


Excercised obstruction of the airway at laryngeal level in adults associated with physical exertion, Excercised Induced Laryngeal Obstruction (EILO) has been known since the 1990s. EILO is an important differential diagnosis to exertional asthma (EIA). Prevalence data from previous studies vary between 5-30% in young adults where the incidence is significantly higher in women compared to men. EILO is usually diagnosed via continuous examination of the larynx with fiboerkpo during exertion, so-called Continiuos Laryngoscope Excercise (CLE) test, which is a resource-intensive examination for both clinic and patient. The National Board of Health and Welfare today recommends that CLE tests be offered to adolescents with suspected EIA where the effect of standard treatment has not been achieved. Lack of knowledge about diagnosis can be made in simpler ways. The project's studies aim to increase knowledge about EILO and how we best treat our patients with the condition.

Participating researchers
Leif Nordang, Associate Professor
Katarina Norlander, PhD
Elisabet Mallmin, PhD student
Linda Marklund, Professor
Karl Sandström, PhD

2. Obstructive sleep apnea in children


3. Palliation of shortness of breath and effects on quality of life in patients treated bronchoscopically for centrally growing cancer with airway obstruction

Tumors in the lungs, esophagus and lymphoma that cause tumor growth around or ingrowth in the large airways often lead to shortness of breath which in turn causes anxiety, reduced coping, and impaired functions and reduced quality of life. To create more free respiratory tracts, bronchoscopy can insert a stent into the trachea or reduce the tumor with laser or mechanical. Today, there is a lack of knowledge about how the experience of respiratory distress and quality of life change after bronchoscopic versus tumor-caused airway obstruction.

For 2 years, patients undergoing bronchoscopic surgery due to tumor-caused airway obstruction at the ENT clinic at Uppsala University Hospital will be asked to participate. Validated questionnaires for estimation of shortness of breath and quality of life will be used, respiratory function will be measured before and after the procedure. Long-term effects are mapped. The study can contribute with unique detailed knowledge about how the quality of the breathing experience and quality of life in general is affected by bronchoscopic treatment. It can also provide clinically important guidance on how we should optimally select seriously ill patients with malignant airway obstruction for bronchoscopic palliative treatment in the future.

Members of the research group

Malin Svensson MD, PhD

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