Application to doctoral studies

Procedure for admission

Formal decisions about admission to graduate studies are taken by the Committee for doctoral education at the Faculty of Medicine. For them to handle the application it’s required to be approved by the department head (mandate to director of postgraduate studies). At the Department of Women's and Children's Health the head of department has delegated the task of reviewing all applications to the Research education group ("Forskarutbildningsgruppen", FUG). The members are:

  1. To start the application process the PhD student should first create a new account and log in to the application portal. The supervisors writes the research plan (use this template Word, 17 kB.) that the PhD student attach in the application. The application form should be completed by the PhD student with the help of the main supervisor.
  2. Once the application is complete, the PhD student is recommended to download and send the application as a pdf to the research education administrator via email. After any needed revisions, the PhD student submits the application in the system. It is then sent by the research administrator to the main supervisor for approval/comments by email.
  3. When the main supervisor has replied the research education administrator will start the internal review process in FUG. If revisions are required this is communicated back to the PhD student and main supervisor by email.
  4. After the application is approved by FUG the research education administrator will send it to the director of postgraduate studies who approves and thus sends it to the Committee for doctoral education. KUF normally meets once every month, on a tuesday. The director of postgraduate studies has to approve every application at latest on the friday 12 days before the meeting.
  5. After admittance to the doctoral education, the PhD student and the supervisors will make a revision of the individual study plan in a form and send it to KUF. The revised study plan should reach KUF within 6 months after admission (at 100% activity). See the post-registration seminar (PRS) as a part of this process at the department.


Deadlines for sending applications to FUG

  • 19 June 2024 (deadline for the next KUF-meeting: 22 August)
  • 29 August 2024 (for the FUG-meeting 5 September, deadline for the next KUF-meeting: 12 September)
  • 1 October 2024 (for the FUG-meeting 8 October, deadline for the next KUF-meeting: 7 November)
  • 12 November 2024 (for FUG-meeting 19 November, deadline for the next KUF-meeting: 28 November)
  • 3 December 2024 (for the FUG-meeting 10 December, deadline for the next KUF-meeting in January 2025)



Medical sciences

According to the Swedish law (Högskoleförordningen 7 kap 37 §) PhD positions should be announced unless one of the following exceptions are met:

  1. The PhD student is undergoing the education employed by an employer other than the university.
  2. The PhD student has previously started the education at a different university.
  3. If there are similar special circumstances.

Planned funding should be given for 4 years (full-time) or 8 years (part-time). In the template document Word, 52 kB., specify which contributors who provide the financing and attach it to the application.

Certified copy of qualifications must be attached. Transcripts from universities outside Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland will be sent to Swedish Higher Education Authority (Universitetskanslerämbetet) for assessment.

An upper secondary qualification from any Nordic country that satisfies the general entry requirements to higher education is equivalent to English level 6, and this also now applies to many other EU countries. Applicants from countries where English is an official language are exempted, as are doctoral students with a university education given in English that meets entry requirements. Other applicants must have passed a language test before a selection is made among the candidates.

The two most common language tests are IELTS and TOEFL. Students taking the IELTS Academic test must achieve an average score of 6.5 across all sections, with no section under 5.5. Students taking the TOEFL Internet-based test must achieve a total score of at least 90.

  • At least two supervisors.
  • At least one of the supervisors should be employed or co-opted to Uppsala University.
  • The main supervisor must have participated in the Research Training’s Supervisors’ Information Day. Read more at about the course at this page. New main supervisors (after 1 July 2021) should also have attended the course "Research ethics for postdocs and researchers in medicine".
  • The main supervisor should be assistant professor (docent) or have this competence (docentkompetent) and apply for the docentur within a year after admission. In cases where the intended principal supervisor has not yet become a docent, the planned supervisor constellation must have been formally approved in a separate, attached supporting document signed by the head of the Uppsala University department at which the doctoral student will be registered.
  • The main supervisor should have experience of supervision, for example as an assistent supervisor or supervisor for masters students at graduate or advanced level.
  • The main supervisor should have attended a course in supervision.
  • The main principle is that the main supervisor should be employed or affiliated to the Department of Women's and Children's Health, and have the main part of their research here.

Attach certificate from the the Research Training’s Supervisors’ Information Day.

Attach certificate of absence from clinical duties for doctoral supervision Pdf, 97 kB.if the main supervisor works at the County Council.

Read more at KUF:s pages.

  • The examiner must be at least a docent
  • Teacher employed by Uppsala University, also include adjunct
  • Active in the department in which the doctoral student is registered
  • Must have participated in the Research Training’s Supervisors’ Information Day. Read more at about the course here
  • The examiner and supervisor must be two different and independent people
  • The examiner should not be examiner for too many PhD students (max 6 students), check this with FUG.


  • Should chair and participate in the Post-Registration Seminar
  • Should participate in the yearly follow-up of the individual study plan
  • Should be a possible contact person for the PhD student other than the supervisors
  • Should sign for some of the PhD students credits in Ladok (for credits without any other responsible examiner)
  • Is encouraged to participate in the halftime seminar
  • The examiner may be chair of the public defence but may never be on the examining committee

Karin Enskär (Director of postgraduate studies at the department)

Attached separately on 3-4 A4 pages (excluding references) written by the supervisors according to this template Word, 17 kB.. The doctoral student are not allowed be involved in writing the project description before admission. The research plan should include 4 years full time studies.

