For researchers

Gustavianum's collections available for research

Both national and international researchers and doctoral students affiliated with a research department are welcome to use Gustavianum's collections as research material. Contact the respective collection store to book an appointment.

Studies of objects in collections

It is helpful to our staff if applications to study a collection are as specific as possible. At the collection stores, our curators can guide you through the collections, assemble material and answer questions. Items that are on display at the museum, on loan or under conservation are unfortunately not available for study.

A student sits at a large table filled with open art books and boxes with various objects.

Amelia Hutchinson, PhD student from Cambridge visits the Art study room to examine objects from the Augsburg Art Cabinet.

A researcher standing at a workbench filled with ceramic shards.

Aaron de Souza, a postdoctoral fellow from Vienna, studying ceramics from Nubia for his research project Living Nubia: New perspectives on Nubian settlements.

Longer research periods

For longer research periods, Gustavianum requests an application in good time. The application should include a short research plan, a time estimate, and requests for special efforts on our part.

