The archive

The archive of the historical collections mainly comprises collection documentation, image and maps previously used in teaching, as well as several image collections related to the museum's archaeological collections.

Selected parts of our archive material are available in digital form at; Other material is available to researchers and students at the Historical Collections store at the Evolutionary Biology Center by appointment.

Gustavianum's image collections

Gustavianum's image collections include approximately 140,000 photographs, slides and photo negatives in various formats. They document the activities that over the years were conducted by or in connection with the departments that had their premises in Gustavianum. There is material relating to study tours, researchers and research. Several large collections of images originate, for instance, from archaeological excavations in Valsgärde, Uppland, Sinda in Cyprus, Asine in Greece and the Nordic Expedition to Sudanese Nubia.

Some of our image collections are available at

Axel W. Persson’s image collection

The Swedish Syrian Expedition (1952-1953) image collection.

Sinda image collection

pictures sorted in an archive.

Documentation and maps

Paper, images and a notebook.

The Museum's documentation and map archive mainly consists of documentation relating to collections, such as collection catalogues and catalogue cards, as well as a collection of maps and plans that were previously used in teaching principally Classical Culture, Archaeology and Egyptology.

Gustavianum also manages extensive documentation from several archaeological field projects, including the excavations at: Valsgärde, Uppland 1928-1952; Studentholmen, Uppsala 1907-1909; Asine, Greece 1926; Sinda, Cyprus 1947-1948; and the Scandinavian Joint Expedition to Sudanese Nubia 1961-1964. Archaeological field documentation may include field diaries, reports, drawings, images and find lists but varies in scope and content.

Visit us

If you are interested in visiting the archive in connection with your research or teaching, please contact us and book a visit via

