Partial pension

The partial pension agreement ceases to apply from 1 January 2024. More information abosut this is available on The National Government Employee Pension Board (SPV) website.

However, there are transitional provisions that mean that the possibility of partial pension remains for those born in 1965 or earlier. For these, the following provisions apply.

Employees at Uppsala University who were born in 1965 or earlier can apply for a partial pension from the month in which they reach the age of 61 until the month before they reach the age of 65.This is laid down in the central collective agreement ‘Partial Pension Agreement for State Employees’ (Avtal om delpension för arbetstagare hos staten).

Under Section 32a of the Employment Protection Act (Lagen om anställningsskydd, LAS) you are entitled, but not obliged, to remain in your job until the end of the month of your 67th birthday.

Eligibility to apply for partial pension is conditional on your having had, before the reduction in your working time, a collectively agreed pension entitlement for a total of 120 months.

Working hours may be reduced by a maximum of 50% of regular full-time work.

Your occupational pension from your employer is not affected if you draw partial pension. On the other hand, your basic (national) retirement pension is affected since only the actual time you spend working is pensionable. Moreover, partial pension provides no contributions to either income pension, premium pension or supplementary pension.

As an employee, you are obliged to ensure that you are informed of the financial implications of a decision on partial pension. Contact the National Government Employee Pensions Board (SPV) to find out how your pension is affected.

  • The application for partial pension should be submitted in good time to enable the employer to plan the work.
  • A decision on partial pension will be taken, at the earliest, six months before you wish to start drawing your partial pension.
  • If partial pension is approved, it can start very promptly provided that this does not disrupt the work, and must start within six months of the decision on partial pension being taken.
  • The HR Director decides whether to approve partial pension or not.

How to apply

  • Use the ‘Application for partial pension’ (Ansökan om delpension) form, link in the right-hand column.
  • In conjunction with the application, fill in a part-time work schedule, using the form Arbetstidsschema vid koncentrerad deltid, link in the right-hand column.. An up-to-date work schedule is important to enable the HR Division to accurately assess your annual working time and holiday entitlement. You can revise the work schedule every calendar year and when any change takes place during the year.
  • The application and work schedule are submitted further as described below, to get the application approved or rejected as the case may be. The documents are then sent to the HR Division.

Professors: the head of department and faculty board approve or reject the application, giving reasons.

Senior lecturers: the head of department and vice-rector or dean approve or reject the application, giving reasons.

Other employees: the head of department or equivalent approves or rejects the application, giving reasons

For a combined position there must be a prior agreement between the decision-maker(s) at the University and the healthcare provider concerned. This agreement should specify such aspects as the disposition of working time, the amount of leave, funding and work duties.

  • If your partial pension is approved, your application and work schedule are passed on to the Personnel Administration and Salaries Service Unit. The Unit fills in particulars for calculating your pension basis and then sends documents to SPV. You and your head of department or equivalent receive copies of the decision statement.
  • If your partial pension is not approved, the application is returned to you and a copy sent to the head of department or equivalent.

  • As far as possible, an employee’s wishes regarding partial pension should be met.
  • Every application for partial pension should be judged individually with reference to the needs and demands of the work, the financial requirements and the employee’s situation. If the needs and demands of the work are fulfilled and the financial requirements exist, at least one of the following conditions should also be met in order for the leave to be approved:
    • The partial pension facilitates transfer of skills through, for example, appointment and induction of a new employee.
    • The partial pension means that employees with other skills can be recruited.
    • The partial pension means that the employee need not be replaced by another employee on the scale to which the partial pension relates.
    • The partial pension takes into consideration personal reasons, such as health considerations, which mean that the employee is judged capable of continuing to work until regular retirement age. However, partial pension should not be approved when there are reasons for sick leave or sick pay.
  • If you wish to draw partial pension, you must accept that you may need to switch to other work duties and/or schedule your working time according to the needs of the work. If you have a managerial position, this may mean that it cannot be combined with partial pension. Work duties and conditions should be discussed before the application is made. A decision is taken by the employer after consultation with you. Where applicable, negotiation with the employee organisation concerned should take place.
  • Undertaking gainful employment during the period when you are drawing partial pension is not permitted, other than on a very limited scale if it is approved by the employer. You have an obligation to inform the employer of any gainful employment and/or side job you undertake.
  • A decision on partial pension and its scale applies up to the regular retirement age, 65 years. The employer can only in exceptional cases review a decision on partial pension, if the employee requests and the manager recommends such a review. A decision on partial pension may also be reviewed if it is abused. In the event of changes, SPV is notified by the Human Resources (HR) Division.

The Partial Pension Agreement is intended to enhance older employees’ opportunities to keep working until regular retirement age, which is 65 years under the Government Occupational Pension Agreement (PA 03). Any decline in the rate of early retirement helps, for example, to facilitate skills transfer in conjunction with generation change. Should you intend to work part-time after the age of 65, an application must be submitted regarding leave to support a longer working life. The partial pension expires from the month during which you become 65 years of age, but you may apply for old-age retirement pension.

Partial pension should not be regarded as an alternative to disability pension. If you need a reduction in working time for medical reasons, you should apply to the Swedish Social Insurance Agency for sickness compensation. If the Agency decides to award you sickness compensation, you can apply to SPV for disability pension.

If you are drawing disability pension under PA 91 (the earlier occupational pension agreement for government employees) or PA 03 at 50% or more, partial pension cannot be approved for you. The Partial Pension Agreement requires employees to work at least 50% of normal full-time employment. If partial pension has been approved for you under PA 03 (or PA 91) and you subsequently receive sickness benefit or sick pay, on the other hand, you keep the approved partial pension. In special cases like this, it may be possible to combine partial pension with sickness compensation and disability pension.

The workplace (department or equivalent) pays the cost of partial pension. Of total payroll cost, 50% is covered by restructuring funds under the local collective agreement on active restructuring measures at Uppsala University.

In normal cases, the customary individual pay-setting takes place in connection with a salary review. Pay rates are set on objective grounds and in accordance with pay-setting guidelines at Uppsala University.

A change in salary results in a proportionate change in partial pension. The HR Division notifies SPV of the change.

