Purchasing and procurement

How to make a purchase of goods and services

Is the product available in the product web? If not, search in Uppsala University's agreement database or on the state framework agreements (kammarkollegiet, avropa.se).

If an item or an agreement is missing, you must either make a direct procurement or carry out a procurement assignment. Follow the process steps.

You can order products from Uppsala University’s contracted suppliers on the Product Website. If the category exists on the Product Website, shop there.

Product website

Not all goods and services are posted on the Product Website. If you can’t find what you need on the Product Website, your first recourse is to use Uppsala University’s other agreements.

Uppsala University agreements database.

Note! You need to be logged in and connected to the VPN to search the database.

If there is no agreement for the goods or services you wish to purchase in the Uppsala University framework agreements database, use the Kammarkollegiet (Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency) agreement.

Use the Kammarkollegiet (Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency) agreement.


If there is no agreement and your purchase is for less that SEK 100,000 (Note! new amount limit from 1 May), perform a price comparison between at least two suppliers. You may then choose where to place your order. Documentation of your price comparison and conclusions must be saved at the department/equivalent and be presented on demand. Payment should be by e-invoice whenever possible.

Economic responsibility rests with the client. We assume that both financially and in terms of needs, any direct award has the approval of the head of department/equivalent.

If the value of your order is over SEK 100,000 but under SEK 700,000, your purchase constitutes a direct award of contract that must be reported in the form ELAD.

If the answer is YES, follow the instructions for implementing a direct award.

If there is no framework agreement and your purchase is over SEK 700,000, you will need to submit a procurement request to the Procurement and Purchasing Office.

The Procurement and Purchasing Office will then conduct a procurement process in consultation with you or someone else at your department/equivalent.

When procuring an ordinary goods, use the template contract goods.

When procuring goods that requires intake, installation, function control and/or training, use the template contracts goods installation.

When procuring services, use the template contract services. If goods also are procured, add relevant clauses relating to delivery etc. from the template contract for goods.

The templates contain commentary boxes with instructions; visible when the review function in Word is activated. Remember to remove the commentary boxes and to write department-specific information in the fields marked in yellow before printing a copy of the contract.

Attach Alos 05 for the purchase of goods (example of standard contract). When buying IT-service contact upphandling@uu.se to get the correct standard (ex. Agreement 90).

Requirement specification Word, 154 kB.

Contract goods Word, 154 kB.

Contract service Word, 156 kB.

Contract goods installation Word, 157 kB.

Alos 05 Pdf, 33 kB.

Evaluation template direct award Excel, 49 kB.

When the public sector buys goods, services or construction contracts, it usually takes place through a public procurement. Public procurement is a legally regulated purchasing process that must ensure that public purchases are opened to competition and that public funds are used as efficiently as possible. Public procurement is regulated, among other things, by the Public Procurement Act (LOU). The rules for public procurement are based on EU directives. Directives are an important part of the work to promote free movement of goods and services within the EU. By following the Swedish procurement rules, procuring authorities and entities fulfill the obligations that follow from EU law.

Lag (2016:1145) om offentlig upphandling, Sveriges Riksdag


