Hourly remuneration in Primula Web - FAQ

How do I log on to Primula Web as an hourly waged employee?

Answer: Read more at Medarbetarportalen

When I registered my working hours for this month, they did not fit in one form. What to do? There was room for 21 lines, is this the maximum number?

Answer: Regarding the error message “…contains too many lines”: There is a limit on content size of the case. Click Calculate (at the bottom of the case) after each new line to save having to re-register more lines than necessary. Register the remaining lines in a new case. You may create a maximum of 20 lines in a case.

When I clicked Calculate, nothing happened but I got the error message that the case contained too many lines and must be split into two. What can I do?

Answer: The error message “…contains too many lines” appears since there is a limit on the number of lines that a case can contain. Click Calculate (at the bottom of the case) after each new line to save having to re-register more lines than necessary. This time, remove some of the lines, click Calculate and then Submit. Register the remaining lines in a new case. You may create a maximum of 20 lines in a case.

I want to have more tax deducted than the current 30%. How do I make this happen?

Answer: In order to deduct more tax on your remuneration from Uppsala University, the Payroll Unit needs an e-mail from you, stating how much tax you want deducted. They will ensure that this level is always deducted on your remuneration. If you want to revert to 30% tax deduction, you must e-mail that information. E-mail lon@uadm.uu.se.

When reporting hourly remunerations in Primula Web I receive an error message that the dates selected are outside my employment period. How can I rectify this?

Answer: When you began registering, you stated a starting date for your employment. Tis date is seen as the beginning of your employment period in the system. You may not receive any remunerations if you have not been employed at Uppsala University, which is the reason for the error message. You need to e-mail the Payroll Unit, lon@uadm.uu.se, and state the start date of your employment. The Payroll Unit will change the information manually in the system.

I recently registered a wrong date for my first work shift in Primula. Can this be changed?

Answer: Absolutely, you need to e-mail the Payroll Unit, lon@uadm.uu.se, and state the start date for your employment. The Payroll Unit will change the information manually in the system.

I cannot report worked hours in Primula for the period before registering as an hourly remunerated employee. Why is that?

Answer: This is because the registering date is seen by the system as the start date for your employment. You may not receive any remunerations if you have not been employed at Uppsala University, which is the reason for the error message (see above for a solution to the problem).

My employment ended on August 31st, but I was offered to stay on and be paid “by the hour”. When I register these hours in Primula Web, I am told that the dates that I worked were not within my employment period (since formally, I have left), and I cannot complete the reporting.

Answer: The reason is probably that you have selected wrong employment position when registering your worked hours. When you work before or after a period of monthly-paid employment and should be paid hourly wages from Uppsala University, select position “4. 99 Remunerations/travel other unit (Minirapp)”.

I must report my worked hours but cannot see “Hourly wage” under “Services”. What to do?

Answer: To register your hourly remuneration in Primula Web, Click on “My page” and select “Hourly wages” at the bottom of the menu. Click on the text and open the page “Select form”. Select the correct form from the drop-down list – ask your department HR administrator if you are uncertain which form to select. Follow the instructions in the form or in the detailed manual (link below the brief instruction in the form).

To where do I send my case with reported hourly remuneration in Primula Web?

Answer: Ask your contact person or department HR administrator/equiv. It is very important that your case is send correctly to avoid any delay in your salary pay-out.

I worked this month and submitted my hourly remuneration report in Primula Web o the 18th on the same month, but have not received any salary. Why is that?

Answer: For technical and practical reasons, the employer and employee has agreed to register the basis for employment monthly afterwards. The report must be submitted by the employee by the 1st of the following month at the latest to ensure that the remuneration is paid out on the 25th of the month after the work was performed, on the condition that your case has been attested in time at your department.

Will I receive a message that my hourly remuneration report has been processed by the Payroll Unit?

Answer: No, you will receive an e-mail when your report has been attested by your manager/equiv.

How do I get my salary deposited to my bank account?

Answer: You need to register your bank account with Nordea. Read more at Medarbetarportalen on how to do this.

When do I get paid?

Answer: If you have submitted your hourly remuneration report in Primula Web by the 1st of the month following the month that you worked, you will receive your salary on the 25th or on the workday closest to the 25th on the month following your working month, on the condition that your case has been attested in time at your department.

