Standard default vacation for teachers, researchers etc

According to the local collective agreement, your annual vacation is considered to have been used all at once during the part of the summer when no teaching takes place, beginning on the Monday after Midsummer in June, generally called standard default vacation period. The standard default vacation period is registered in the system annually, in October, by the Payroll Unit (at the Human Resources Division), which means that you do not need to apply for vacation time individually.

The use of up to ten vacation days applied for and granted before Midsummer does not affect the standard default vacation period, since the remainder of the annual vacation is assumed to begin on the Monday after Midsummer.

If you plan to be on 100 % parental leave/other leave for more than 10 days during the standard default vacation period, you must apply for an exemption from the default vacation rule (see below). If you are absent on sick leave, sick child leave [VAB] or other single-day absence during the standard default vacation period, the default vacation period will be registered before and after these days.

If you want to use your vacation at times other than the summer, i.e. to be exempt from the standard default vacation rule, a written agreement between you and your head of department or equivalent must be submitted to the Payroll Unit by May 31. Use the form Ansökan om undantag från schablonsemester 4.0.5, you can find it in the right column. The exemption applies to the current year only. If this is granted, you apply for vacation time in Primula web for each occasion during that calendar year.

*Teachers includes the categories of teachers listed in the Employment Ordinance for Uppsala University. Categories subject to the conditions applying to teachers thus include employees classified as researchers, postdoctoral researchers, doctoral students, assistants with study grants, assistants undergoing research training and teaching assistants.

