Writing Competitive MSCA-PF Grant Proposals

The EU program Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA PF) is an important channel to get funding to recruit excellent foreign postdocs to Uppsala University. The grant can also be used by researchers at the university who want to go abroad for a postdoctoral stay. Over the years, MSCA PF has become highly competitive and Uppsala University's Research Support is therefore offering a workshop to guide applicants and supervisors on writing an ambitious MSCA PF proposal. The support provided at this workshop and the personal support offered afterwards can significantly contribute to the chances of receiving the grant.

Gruppen forskningsrådgivare som jobbar med MSCA

Research advisors at Uppsala University responsible for MSCA

Eligible applicants

Eligible applicants for MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships with Uppsala University as a host hold a PhD, and have no more than 8 years of research experience after PhD. Mobility rules also apply to Standard European Fellowships and applicants cannot have lived or carried out their main activity for more than one year in Sweden during the past three years before the call deadline (11 September 2024).

Workshop offered

Research Support offers the workshop “Writing competitive MSCA PF grant proposals” on Zoom to applicants who apply with Uppsala University as host organisation. Both fellows who apply themselves or supervisors recruiting a fellow can attend the workshop.

Time and place

The workshop will take place on Zoom on:

  • May 15th at 9.00-11.30 CEST
  • May 16th at 9.00-11.30 CEST


Please register for the workshop by May 8th.


  • Insights and tips from an evaluator
  • The Excellence, Impact, and Implementation sections
  • Budget overview
  • Ethics self-assessment
  • Gender aspects
  • Open science practices
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Hosting arrangements
  • CV improvements
  • Capacity of the participating organisations
  • Practical guidance on the online proposal and submission
  • Background of the call


  • The National Contact Point for MSCA
  • An MSCA PF evaluator
  • Research advisors, Uppsala University
  • Uppsala University Innovation
  • Uppsala University Library

Timeline of application support

Please contact the research advisor(s) of your faculty (see below) for personalised support with your proposal. The workshop is also open for employees at UU applying for an outgoing fellowship. However, they should contact the research support at their host institutions for personalised support with their proposal.

Deadline for sending the first draft to research support is Aug 7 2024.


Science and Technology: elin.forslund@uu.se; goran.hamrin@uu.se

Medicine and Pharmacy: anna.lobell@uu.se; joakim.bergstrom@uu.se

Humanities and Social Sciences: anna.holen@uu.se

