Enthusiasm for teaching behind 2023 Distinguished Teaching Award

Tryggve Nevéus.

Tryggve Nevéus received the 2023 Distinguished Teaching Award in Medicine and Pharmacy. Photo: Mikael Wallerstedt

Hello Tryggve Nevéus, Professor at the Department of Women's and Children's Health. Congratulations on your Uppsala University Distinguished Teaching Award in the field of Medicine and Pharmacy, which you received in May 2023.

Did this award come as a surprise and do you know who nominated you?

“Yes, I didn't expect this at all. I know which colleague nominated me and that she was supported in this by our head of department. That gave me a great feeling, of course.”

Nevéus received the award for aspects such as his huge enthusiasm for teaching, his clear grounding in current research and a highly valued student clinic.

Do you have any tricks?

“I dare to show my enthusiasm, even if that’s not really deemed 'cool',” he replies. “I try not to be too afraid of making a fool of myself.”

Nevéus works in and teaches paediatrics.

“Paediatrics and science are so important,” he notes, “and I try to convey that together with the fact that it’s fun to my students.”

But as a teacher, Nevéus sees his role as more than just entertaining students – they should learn something too.

“The most important thing in teaching is that students remember what they have learned even after the exam,” he says. “We therefore need to both enable and inspire them to work hard on their learning.”

For example, Nevéus says that a good lecture can be fun, but a seminar that inspires students provides more lasting knowledge.

“After a good lecture, you remember one joke and three facts,” he says. “To remember any more than that, you have to study actively afterwards.”

At the same time, Nevéus believes that the best teaching is not identical to the kind that produces the best course evaluations.

Do you also contribute to the educational development of your colleagues?

“Yes, as much as I have time for or am given time for,” replies Nevéus. “One problem, which is understandable, is that most teachers prioritise their research over their teaching. Maybe this award will make my colleagues (even) more aware that I have something to offer.”

Do you have any concrete tips, advice and thoughts on teaching that you would like to share?

“Don't get too reliant on PowerPoint. And if you do use PowerPoint, use it to illustrate what you are going to say, don’t just present a bunch of bullet points,” replies Nevéus.

He also thinks it’s important for teachers to keep time and that humour is OK – as long as it’s not distracting.

“Being politically correct is not a dirty word for me but something to be proud of,” he says, “and a teacher should be politically correct. Think like Bamse: those who are very strong must also be very kind.”

Some concrete advice is that teachers should be aware of their prejudices and be prepared to question them, think about diversity and make sure that everyone is heard.

To round off, what will you do with the award money?

“Send a student project worker to Brazil to present a joint research project at a conference.”

Ulrika Hurtig


Each year, Uppsala University presents distinguished teaching awards for outstanding contributions in undergraduate education according to specific nomination categories.

Students and staff can nominate teachers who have made outstanding contributions to student learning in one or more categories. These include teaching activities, research basis in teaching and educational leadership and collaboration. A total of five awards worth SEK 20,000 each are presented.

A total of five awards are presented. Four awards are given to teachers in:

  • theology, humanities and educational sciences
  • law and social sciences,
  • medicine and pharmacy,
  • mathematics, natural sciences and technology.

The fifth Free Distinguished Teaching Award is presented for educational contributions in a particular priority area for the year. In 2023, the theme was 'Creative education'.

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