Digital support in Ladok for individual study plans for doctoral studies (ISP)

Ladok introduces a new digital support for individual study plans (ISP). Currently we are in the test phase where selected pilot departments test and evaluate functionality and adaptations. Information about the project and timetable can be found further down on this page.

Who participates?

The pilot departments participating in a first stage are:

  • Department of Archaeology and Ancient History
  • Department of Chemistry – Ångström
  • Department of Ecology and Genetics
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Women's and Children's Health

Information for pilot departments

What we want to evaluate and test:

  • Admission of doctoral students and establishment of the first digital ISP​
  • Revision of ISP for admitted doctoral student​
  • The various process steps with review and determination​
  • The various decision steps for ISP – regular revision / significant changes
  • Test training materials and guides

During May to September Uppsala University will evaluate your experiences with the ISP and you will hence be asked to answer a short survey. All feedback is important for the project to lead to a user-friendly system in the future.

At every pilot department, a contact person has been appointed who will be responsible for communication between the projekt and participants. Contact for technical support.

Application for user permission in Ladok

Please observe that you need to apply for permission for ISP in Ladok even if you previously have access to other functions in Ladok. Send the filled and digitally signed form to

Application for user permission in Ladok for pilot departments:

Application, Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology (PDF)

Application, Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy (PDF)


The digital support in Ladok for ISP for doctoral studies is continuously being developed during the pilot period and the manuals are updated as they go.


The project began in September 2023 and is planned to end in March 2025, when ISP system support in Ladok will be available for the entire Uppsala University.

  • Survey of current operational processes in the disciplinary domains

  • Adoption of project plan
  • New operational processes designed
  • System-based ISP support is evaluated by user groups
  • Evaluation of test
  • Development of training materials and training of users

Q2 2024

  • Pilot departments begin to use ISP support in Ladok

  • Additional departments can start using ISP
  • Continued instruction and training of departments at set times

  • Conclusion of project. ISP support in Ladok is available for all of Uppsala University

About the project

Goals and purpose

The Ladok Consortium is implementing digital support for individual study plans (ISP)s in Ladok. The purpose of this project is to enable the implementation of the Ladok ISP support in the disciplinary domains at UU with the goal of having a comprehensive and uniform digital support system for managing individual study plans for all doctoral students, in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Education Ordinance and the guidelines and needs of the organisation.

A uniform digital support system contributes to:

  • The annual revision and follow-up of individual study plans will be improved, for example, by automatic reminders from the system and the circulation of new versions.
  • Material will be available for monitoring and ongoing quality assurance and enhancement.
  • The number of paper forms administered by the departments in connection with doctoral studies will be minimised.
  • The efficient and fair management of individual study plans in doctoral studies will be promoted.

What does this mean for me?

The digital support for ISP in Ladok may mean a new way of working for many who today work with ISP in one way or another.

Training of new users will take place in autumn 2024, where more information about new working methods will be given.


Client: the University Director

Project owner: Karin Apelgren, Student Affairs and Academic Registry Division

Project manager: Cecilia Marklund, Student Affairs and Academic Registry Division

Deputy project manager: Nina Carlsson, Student Affairs and Academic Registry Division

Project team: the project manager, the deputy project manager, a representative from each faculty office

Steering committee: the project owner (chair), one representative from each disciplinary domain, student representative, the project manager (rapporteur)

Reference groups: representatives from the organisation will be appointed as needed by the project owner in consultation with the steering committee, the disciplinary domains and the project manager.


Project manager Cecilia Marklund, Student Affairs and Academic Registry Division.

