IT Support

You are welcome to contact us with all questions concerning IT and telephony: if you need assistance with your computer, for error reports and orders, or if you have questions about IT services.

Opening hours this summer

1 July – 2 August
Weekdays 08.00 – 16.00
Closed for lunch 12.00 – 13.00

Local IT support on campus
Closed 1 July – 11 August
On-site assistance is available on campus by appointment. Contact to schedule a time.

You can still email us or use the Support Service.

IT support for employees at Uppsala University


Telephone: 018-471 44 00

Opening hours at IT Support:
Weekdays – 8 am to 5 pm

Support Service – register and follow your support requests (login required for case management)

Opening hours for unscheduled visits (Drop in) at your local IT support

IT support for employees at Akademiska sjukhuset


Telephone: 018-617 90 90 (07:30 am. - 4:45 pm.)

Web: Support | Region Uppsala (login required for case management)

University IT Services (UIT) employ joint case management in order to be able to provide the fastest and most effective IT support possible. When you contact us, you will receive help directly, or we will make sure that your request is taken care of by the right function within the division. We strive for the shortest processing time possible, but as some requests are more complex they may take a little longer to resolve. If this is the case, we will make sure that you are kept updated on the status of your request.

We are continuously working to develop our service and offer coordinated, efficient and accessible IT support across all of Uppsala University.

IT support related to contracts with UIT

If your case is covered by a contract with UIT, please contact us as stated below.

• in case of emergency, call 018-471 4400 and state your reference number ÖK-XXXX
• for other support matters and orders, email and state your reference number ÖK-XXXX

