Direct Award Contracts

Before submitting a request for a direct award, please check whether there is a valid agreement. If so, you should use this. Economic responsibility rests with the client. We assume that both financially and in terms of needs, any direct award has the approval of the head of department/equivalent.

ELAD electronic workflow for direct awards

If you wish to make a direct award of a contract worth over SEK 100,000, you need to complete a form.

ELAD provides support for assessing whether there is scope to make a direct award for goods or services in the area in question without exceeding the University’s statutory limit.

Once you have completed the form, we will notify you whether or not there is scope for you to directly award a contract. Direct awards over SEK 100,000 must be registered. You will therefore automatically receive a registration number (in W3D3, our registry system) for use in templates and when you document your direct award.

You therefore need to complete the direct award form (ELAD) before placing your order.

We will respond within 1–3 working days.

How to make a direct award

Whenever you intend to make a direct award of contract, always contact several different suppliers to see what is available on the market.

Search for information about the goods or services you need to find out which suppliers may be relevant, so that you can take advantage of market competition to secure a good deal.

It is up to you how to send your requirements specification and contract template for the supplier’s acceptance and approval. You can email it or send it by post.

Select the requirements specification and contract templates based on whether you are procuring goods or services.

If contract is low-value, it may be sufficient to send an ordinary email specifying your requirements.

Edit the templates and remove the comments in the right-hand margin (activate the review function in Word).

State how you intend to evaluate tenders (lowest price, highest performance, etc.).

If necessary, you can attach the relevant standard contract to your requirements specification and contract template, such as ALOS05 for goods. Attach the relevant contract template and any appendices when you send the requirements specification.

Always state the deadline for tenders.

Check that the tender meets the specified requirements and that the supplier has quoted a total price and accepted the contract template. If anything is unclear, email the supplier to obtain clarification. Evaluate the tenders based on the criteria stated in your tender documentation. Write a brief justification for your choice. Feel free to use our evaluation template.

The University shall only do business with companies that have paid their taxes and social security contributions pursuant to applicable rules in the country where the company is registered. Swedish companies must also be approved for F-tax. If you employ a sole trader who is not approved for F-tax, you must also pay employer contributions and social security contributions in addition to the invoice.

Before you enter into a contract with a Swedish company, always check that it has paid taxes and social security contributions and is approved for F-tax on the Swedish Tax Agency website. Once there, enter the company registration number and your own email address to receive the information by email. If you have any questions, call the Swedish Tax Agency on +46 (0)771 567 567.

If the Swedish company you intend to enter into a contract with is unknown, or if you are placing a high-value order, you should check that the company does not have any tax liabilities or other debts with the Swedish Enforcement Authority. You should also check the company if you suspect that something may be amiss. You can either call the Swedish Enforcement Authority on +46 (0)771-73 73 00 and state the company registration number, or send an email with the heading “Debt information for procurement purposes” and the company registration number to The authority will respond within 48 hours.

Before entering into a contract with a foreign supplier: Ask the company to submit documentation proving that it is registered and that it pays taxes and social security contributions in the country in which it is registered.

You can formulate this requirement as follows:

1. Submit a copy of your company registration certificate issued by a competent authority or equivalent in the country where your company is established to verify that your company fulfills existing demands of company registration.

2. Submit a certificate from a competent authority or equivalent in the country where your company is established showing that your company has paid prescribed social insurances, taxes and other fees. The document must not be older than two (2) months before the day you receive this request.”

Edit the yellow-highlighted text in the contract template for goods or services.

Print two copies of the contract and have the head of department/equivalent sign them.

Send both copies of the contract to the supplier for signature. Ask them to return one signed copy.

Scientific instruments purchased from outside the EU may be exempt from customs duties (3–4% of the value). You can learn more about this under “Duty-free imports”.

Goods. Check that the delivery is complete and undamaged. If installation is not included, assemble and test the goods as quickly as possible. If installation id included, the supplier should perform a check of functionality. Never accept goods until they meet specified requirements and the supplier’s commitments. Ensure that any agreed training is provided.

Services. Check that the service has been provided in accordance with specified requirements and that any documentation has been delivered.

Payment. Never pay in advance. Pay after an approved delivery, check of functionality or when the service has been performed acceptably.

Scientific instruments purchased from outside the EU may be exempt from customs duties (3–4% of the value).

Download an application form by searching “duty-free scientific instruments” on the Swedish Customs website ( Submit your application, with information on the price (signed contract/order confirmation), the instrument (product brochure) and the Combined Nomenclature (CN) code, to Swedish Customs. Contact the supplier to obtain the CN code and notify them that you will be applying for duty relief. Ask the supplier to forward the permit to the freight forwarder.

Submit your application as soon as possible. The application must be approved by the time the instrument arrives in Sweden. It takes several weeks for Swedish Customs to process applications and it is not possible to obtain retrospective approval. If you have any questions, call the Swedish Customs answer line, TullSvar, on +46 (0)771 520 520.

All directly awarded contracts with a value in excess of SEK 50,000 shall be registered by the department.

Archive the following documents:

  • Requirements specification and any clarification.
  • The successful tender.
  • Justification of the award of contract to the successful supplier (use our evaluation template for direct awards).
  • The signed contract.

Requirement specification Word, 154 kB.

Contract goods Word, 154 kB.

Contract goods installation Word, 157 kB.

Contract services Word, 156 kB.

IThe templates contain commentary boxes with instructions; visible when the review function in Word is activated. Remember to remove the commentary boxes and to write department-specific information in the fields marked in yellow before printing a copy of the contract.

Attach Alos 05 Pdf, 33 kB. for the purchase of goods (example of standard contract). When buying IT-service contact to get the correct standard (ex. Agreement 90).


