
If you have a documented, permanent disability and need extra adaptations or support, your first step is to apply for targeted study support.

No matter what kind of disability you have, we have good opportunities to find a solution so that your everyday life flows smoothly here at Ångströmlaboratoriet.

At the Ångström laboratory, we have equipment and adaptations for you who are disabled, have a hearing impairment or visual impairment.

Hearing loop installed

The following rooms have a hearing loop installed that is activated when you start the AV equipment (microphones/body mikes are available):

Hearing loop unit

The following rooms have a hearing loop with a unit that needs to be connected. You book the unit in TimeEdit (Hörslinga 1) and picked up in the AV room (room 10202):

Mobile hearing loop equipment

For rooms that don't have an installed hearing loop you can pick up mobile hearing loop equipment at the reception, where you also can get more information and assistance in how to use it.

All of the Ångström Laboratory's main entrances (one entrance in the southern part of the building and three entrances in the northern part of the building) can be entered through with a wheelchair.

There are elevators in all houses in the main building.

The restaurant, café and library (unmanned) are located on level 0 and are easily accessible with a wheelchair.

It is possible to enter all of the Ångström laboratory's teaching rooms with a wheelchair. The rooms Eva von Bahr, Heinz-Otto Kreiss and Sonja Lyttkens have room for a smaller wheelchair.

The possibility of a visual interpreter is available

