Screens and posting

If you want to spread information or display something at the Ångström laboratory, there are a different possibilities.

Campus Management handles the public notice boards at Ångström Laboratory. All notices are removed from the boards on the last working day of the month.

All departments are responsible for their own notice boards within their own premises.

The Uppsala Union of Engineering and Science Students (UTN) and its subdivisions are responsible for the notice boards allocated to them.

Rules for posting

  • Posting is only allowed at referred notice boards. At the slightest uncertainty, feel free to ask the reception about what notice boards you are allowed to post at.
  • The notice boards are intended for posters that are linked to education, research and student activities at Uppsala University. All forms of commercial advertising are prohibited.
  • Use thumbtacks, staplers are not allowed. You can get thumbstacks at the reception.
  • Only post one copy of your notice on the notice board.
  • Do not cover another poster when putting up yours.

Rules about the notice's message

The notice's content/message may not

  • constitute an infringement of copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights
  • contain elements of pornography, violence or agitation against ethnic groups
  • contravene the law, regulation, authority instruction, use or practice such as, for example, the Marketing Act and good marketing practice.

Notices that do not meet the current rules for posting will be removed.

Poster screens are mobile notice boards that are used, for example, to attach posters with presentations of student projects at exhibitions. Campus management has two options for poster screens:

  • three-part paper screens that are 190 cm high x 79 cm wide per section
  • poster screens with aluminum frame for dimensions 1005 x 1400 mm.

Reservations for poster screens are made at the reception. Please note that posters must be pinned up on the screens and that the poster screens must not leave the Ångström laboratory. Uppsala University / Akademikonferens has poster screens for rent outside the campus area.

At the Ångström laboratory, there are public digital information screens at the main entrances and in some of the building's public areas. These screens are taken care of by campus management. The information screens that are in the premises of departments and institutions are taken care of by the units themselves.

If you are interested in advertising on the public information screens, please contact the janitor's supervisor Nazariy Souchelnytskyi.

