Summer hours at Campus Gotland

On this page, we provide information about support and service and availability at Campus Gotland 3 June - 30 August 2024.

Summer greeting

The information below supplements the regular opening hours at Campus Gotland that apply during the autumn and spring semesters.

Accomodation/Student housing in Visby/on Gotland

On the Gotlands studentbostad website you will find housing adverts from private landlords and housing companies, together with tips and information for you as a tenant.

If you have any questions about student accommodation, you are always welcome to email Note: please allow for longer response times during the May-August period.

Between 15 July and 11 August, the office will be closed for holidays and emails will be answered as soon as possible from 12 August. If you are looking for accommodation during these weeks, please send an email to You will receive an auto-reply with guidance and tips on how and where to search for accommodation for the autumn term 2024.

Summer accomodation: Here you can find guidance if you are looking for accomodation in Visby/on Gotland during the summertime.

Follow Gotlands studentbostad on Instagram to get tips on accomodation and other useful information.

Uppsala University Housing Office
Issues regarding housing mediated through Uppsala University Housing Office (fee-paying Masters’s/Bachelor’s, exchange students), please contact:

IT Support

IT support can be reached all through summer via email or telephone:

  • IT support: Monday-Friday 08:00-17:00, email:, or telephone: +4618471 4400. During the summer, you can expect slightly longer response times.

IT support is available on a drop-in basis at the reception desk on campus Monday-Friday 13:30-14:30, on days when the reception desk is open (see below for reception opening hours).

Language workshop (Academic writing)

The Language Workshop will be open through 14 June and from 21 August. We receive appointment bookings from Wednesday 14 August.


Almedalen Library’s opening hours during summer can be found on Almedalen Library's website.

Here is information about the library for students at Campus Gotland.

Reception Desk

The reception desk at Campus Gotland is open as follows:

  • 3-5 June: 08:00-16:30
  • 6 June (National Day of Sweden) and 7 June: closed
  • 10-20 June: 09:00-15:00
  • 21 June (Midsummer Eve): closed
  • 24 June: 8:00-16:30
  • 25-27 June (Almedalen week): 07:30-18:00
  • 28 June: 07:30-16:00
  • 1 July - 9 August: closed
  • From 12 August: 09:00-15:00
  • From 19 August: 08:00-16:30


Maltfabriken restaurant on campus is open as follows:

  • 3-5 June: 09:00-15:00
  • 6 June (National Day of Sweden): closed
  • 7 - 20 June: 09:00-15:00
  • 21 June (Midsummer Eve): closed
  • 24 June: 8:00-16.00
  • 25-28 June (Almedalen week): 07:30-17:00
  • 1 July - 9 August: closed
  • From 12 August: 09:00-15:00
  • From 26 August: 7:45-16:00.

For opening hours at Café Foajé in the Almedalen library, please check their Facebook page.

Student health service

The Student Health Service at Campus Gotland is available as follows:

  • Drop-in at Campus Gotland (bottom floor in the B building) is closed from Monday 17 June (last drop-in: Monday 10 June, 13:00-14:00) and opens again Monday 19 August.
  • Make an appointment for telephone counselling: Every Monday through Thursday before 10:00 we post open telephone counselling appointments for that day. If there are no available times, new times will be added the next day. The telephone counselling is open all summer.

Do you have general questions to us? Contact us via email: but please except longer response times during summer.

If you get sick/Psychological problems/Emergency.

Student Union Rindi

Gotland Student Union Rindi and the the Rindi castle is closed over the summer, but you can reach the President by email. Contact information to specific people can be found on Rindi's website but if you are unsure who you should contact you can write to then it will get to the right place!

Studies abroad/International possibilities

During the summer, our international officers are on holidays at various intervals and you should expect longer e-mail response times. This applies mainly during July and to the addresses for Erasmus traineeship and other Erasmus grants,, and for Exchange studies,

Drop-in via Zoom is closed during summer and we re-open on 3 September, Tuesdays 11:00-12:00 and Thursdays 13:00-14:00.

Read about international possibilities at Uppsala University.

International Bachelor's and Master's students

For issues concerning for example insurance, residence permit and health care, you can turn to our international officers at and They will check e-mails regularly all through summer, however some weeks only on a weekly basis so you may have to expect a longer response time.

For Campus Gotland-specific 'international' questions, Annika Jörnemark is available until 4 July and from 7 August via telephone +46498108225 and e-mail

Study administration

The Study administration at Campus Gotland can help you with course specific questions, for example registration matters, academic leave or transferring of credits.

You can reach the Study administration during summer (but please expect longer response times). Send us your question via email and we will help you as soon as we can.

You can meet us physically (second floor in the D building)

  • until Thursday 20 June, 13:00-14:30
  • from Monday 12 August, 13:00-14:30.

As a current student, you may download Ladok certificates/transcripts from the Ladok portal (log in with your student account).

Study and career counselling

The study and career councelling at Campus Gotland is available until 5 July. During the period 8 July – 9 August, you'll reach us via email: (but please expect longer response times).

As of 12 August, the study and career counselling office will be open as usual for bookable appointments on campus or via Zoom/telephone.

Targeted study support

Targeted study support for students with disabilities at Campus Gotland can be reached via email or by booking a call until 17 June and during the periods 24-28 June and 8-12 July. During the summer, accessibility is limited as follows:

  • 17 June - 21 June, 1 July - 5 July and 15 July - 9 August, Targeted Educational Support is closed at Campus Gotland. During the summer, the coordinators in Visby and Uppsala will help to answer emails and offer times for calls on Zoom or telephone. During the weeks that Campus Gotland is closed, you are welcome to email or book an appointment via our appointment system.

From 12 August, regular opening hours apply, please book an appointment via

Remember to apply for targeted pedagogical support in good time, preferably already when you apply for a programme at Uppsala University.

Newsletter from Campus Gotland

Vy över Visby

About once a month, a newsletter is sent to students at Campus Gotland. The email is distributed to your student email connected to your user account at the University.

The latest mailing was made 29 May 2024. Read the latest mailing from Campus Gotland here.

Student våren 2024

Students at Campus Gotland - autumn 2024

To the start page 'Students at Campus Gotland - autumn 2024' with useful information about your studies at Campus Gotland this coming semester.

