Study administration at Campus Gotland

As a student you can carry out many tasks on the website. For example, you can activate your student account, register for courses, look at your timetable, download or order a transcript of records or register for exams. See the web services when you log in.

Studieadmin bildobjekt

Visit the Study administration

Student services consist of all the support and service you can get outside the actual course/programme you are studying at. For example, it could be the study adminstration, study counselling service, the IT support, the language workshop, the student health service, or the library.

In many ways, the Study administration is the hub of the student services.

You will find us on the second floor in the D building (the office landscape in the stairwell).

Here we can help you with course specific questions, for example:

  • registration matters;
  • academic leave;
  • information about degree;
  • transferring of credits.

The Study Administration's opening hours in the landscape are as follows:

  • Monday - Wednesday 13:00-14:30*
  • Thursday: 10:00-11:30*
  • Friday: 13:00-14:30*.

*Except public holidays and bridging days.

You can also send us an email:

Drop-in hours - Week 34 and week 35

During week 34 and 35, the study administrators have extended drop-in hours.

  • Monday 19 August - Wednesday 21 August: 13:00-14:30
  • Thursday 22 August: 10:00-11:30
  • Friday 23 August: 13:00-14:30.
  • Monday 26 August - Tuesday 27 August: 13:00-14:30
  • Wednesday 28 August - Thursday 29 August: 13:00-16:30
  • Friday 30 August: 13:00-15:30.

Our study administrators

Do you have questions regarding your studies? The study administration is here for you. Send us an email, and please don't forget to state which subject/programme you're studying. It's also helpful if you give us a short description on what you want to contact us about.


Carina bildobjekt

Carina Dahlström, telephone: +46498-10 8234

Cecilia bildobjekt

Cecilia Howe, telephone: +46498-10 8236

Katarina Werner-Hallgren

Katarina Werner-Hallgren, telefon: 0498-10 82 38



Marie du Rietz

Marie du Rietz, off duty

Sara Cederlund

Sara Cederlund, telephone: +46498-10 8237

  • Schedules
  • Examination administration
Sofia Bromö

Sofia Bromö, telephone: +46498-10 8237

Ulrika Hammarlund

Ulrika Hammarlund, telefon: 0498-10 82 29



Cecilia bildobjekt

Ylva Anderberg, telephone: +46498-10 8241

Below is a list of subject areas at Campus Gotland which are connected to a specific department at Uppsala University.

Academic leave of absence

If you need to take a break during your studies, you must apply for an academic leave of absence to have a guaranteed place on the programme after the break.

Read more about academic leave of absence or if you want to terminate your studies (discontinuation).

Contact the Study administration at Campus Gotland if you want to apply for an academic leave of absence or if you want to terminate your studies.

Do you need guidance?

Contact the study and career counsellor at Campus Gotland if you need guidance and information about courses and programmes at Campus Gotland.

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