Student life at Uppsala University

We believe that life outside of the classroom is just as important as inside. Discover the student nations and student unions. Get tips about how to manage your finances and apply for scholarships! Check out our tips for finding housing. We encourage you to get involved, get to know your fellow students and make your voice heard.

The vice-chancellor and Deputy Vice-chancellor riding a raft at the "Forsränning" (river rafting at Walpurgis) in 2022.
Close-up on a sarcophagus from our museums.

Student tradtitions

Uppsala University has a vibrant student life and traditions. What is an academic quarter, and how do we celebrate "Valborg"?

Student tradtitions

Health and Fitness

Idrotta, motionera och må bra i din studentstad.

Health and Fitness


taggedforuppsala is a blog written by international students. They write about a range of topics - living in Sweden, dealing with the cold winters, current events, and more.


The Student Radio

Studentradion, the Student Radio, monitors what affects student life, housing situation, finance as well as cycle paths and life at the nations.

The Student Radio

