Organisation SuHRF

The conservation unit at the Department of Art History at Uppsala University - Campus Gotland is in charge of SuHRF. Coordination and operation is the responsibility of the conservation unit. The aim for the research to be interdisciplinary as well as exceeding the academic boundaries. Documents are here.

Research managers are:

  • Anna Karlström, researcher in conservation, Department of Art History
  • Joakim Andersson, senior lecturer in conservation, Department of Art History
  • Gurbet Peker, phd student in ethnology, Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology,
  • Charlotte Mårland, phd student in conservation, Department of Art History

SuHRF is led by a steering committee, which consists of representatives from various disciplines and faculties at Campus Gotland. The steering committee is decisive and responsible for the finances The representatives are:

  • Tor Broström, professor in conservation, Department of Art History
  • Gustaf Leijonhufvud, researcher in Conservation, Department of Art History
  • Carina Johansson, senior lecturer in Ethnology, Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology
  • Stefan Ivanell, professor in Wind Energy, Department of Earth Sciences
  • Mattias Legner, professor in conservation, Department of Art History
  • Ulrika Persson-Fischier, lecturer in Industrial Engineering and Management, Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering
  • Brian Danley, Associate senior lecturer in Natural Resources and Sustainable Development, Department of Earth Sciences

Documents SuHRF

Here you will find documents and records connected to the activities in the forum. All documents are in the PDF format and can be downloaded through the links below.

Contact SuHRF

Are you interested to know more about Sustainable Heritage Research Forum? Please contact the research managers!

Anna Karlström, Researcher in Conservation, +46498-108329

Joakim Andersson, Senior Lecurer in Conservation, +4670-1679946

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