BUP Teachers Course 2023-2024

This was the fifth time the course was arranged. This time the course was running from September 2023 to March 2024 and it was organised by the BUP Associated Secretariat and the National Centre in Finland, located at the Centre for Lifelong Learning, Åbo Akademi University. The teachers were PhD Shepherd Urenje from Uppsala University, PhD Cecilia Lundberg, and MSc Sinikka Suomlainen, both from Åbo Akademi University.

The aim of the study process is to support university teachers to integrate Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into their teaching and courses to strengthen the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The structure of the course

Each participant develops a so-called 'Change project' during the course. The 'Change project' is based on an already existing course, study program, or a future teaching experience. The idea is to change the content to better integrate ESD. The planning and implementation of the 'Change project' is the main outcome of the course.

During the course, different learning methods were introduced with a focus on e-learning, peer learning, and workshops. As a learning outcome, each participant planned and developed a Change project to improve the integration of ESD in their current or future work. The Change projects were supported by peer reviews via the e-platform and during the workshops. During the workshops, keynotes with a focus on learning in Higher Education at the hosting university were also part of the program.

The course program was built on the following parts:

  • E-learning: Introduction of Sustainability and Climate change (Moodle). Planning of the individual project, the so-called Change project.
  • Workshop (1): Sustainable development with emphasis on learning environments and ESD methodology.
  • Work with the change project in special interest groups. Documentation and communication via Moodle. Assignments and tasks on Moodle.
  • Workshop (2): Critical reflection – taking the Change Project forward. The latest phase of the Change projects was presented and discussed.

The course corresponds to 5 ECTS credit points (133 hours) at the Centre for Lifelong Learning, Åbo Akademi University, Finland. All participants who have all assignments, including the Change project, approved, and have participated in at least one of the workshops (compensatory task if you were not able to attend more than one workshop), will get a course certificate.

The course 2023-2024

The course got over 70 applications, of which 30 were selected based on their motivation letter and preliminary idea for a Change Project. The participants were also chosen to get as a diverse group as possible, i.e. country, BUP participating universities, and a variety of subjects.

There were a final 25 participants, 23 took part in workshop 1, which was held at Riga Technical University between 27-29 September 2023. In the second workshop at the Warsaw School of Economics, held on 18-19 March 2024, 16 of the participants participated.

This year there were teachers in Higher Education from eight countries, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, and Ukraine, from 20 different BUP participating universities, and approximately 20 different areas of specialty, from urban planning to nursing program and geometry.

As a part of the RESCUU project, the BUP awarded six travel grants to those Ukrainian teachers who got accepted to participate in the course.

A group of people standing on a low stage

Photo: Cecilia Lundberg

Evaluation of the event

The feedback survey generated a positive response from both workshops – the overall grade (on a scale of 1-5) was 4.6. The evaluation gives valuable insights to the organisers and the comments will be considered when planning the coming courses.

The participants thought that both workshops inspired them in their work, that they were useful for their work, and resulted in new insights about ESD which they will try to apply in their own teaching.

Quotes from the evaluation

“I learned how to describe what we are doing during the lectures. That we all learners, but not students and teachers.”

“I discovered that I am on the right way and it is possible to improve my teaching.”

“It was valuable to have the time and space to actually focus on ESD, together with other people. Otherwise, ideas could be there in my mind, but there is no time to think through and let them mature. Implementing was then easy.”

Potential improvements

We are very grateful for all the feedback we get from the participants. We will consider them and will try to make improvements for the next course round. The online course will also get a remake until next time.

Organiser voice

"As an organiser it is a privilege to meet all enthusiastic and ambitious teachers from different universities and scientific backgrounds."

Participant evaluations

  • The participants gave the first workshop a 4.6/5 overall rating and the second workshop a 4.5/5 overall rating.
  • The participants gave a rating of 4.6/5 to the question of whether they felt like they learned something new.
  • The cooperation between the participants worked well, the participants gave it an overall rating of 4.6/5.
  • The participants thought that the course met their expectations, giving an overall rating of 4.7/5.

Voices of participants

Anastasia Tsvetkova - Participant from Åbo Akademi University

Although I had a solid understanding of sustainability concepts and their practical application in firms, my teaching approach was mostly didactical, focusing on ‘passing on’ my knowledge to students. I expected the course to help me learn new teaching methods that enhance students’ agency in learning, understand how higher education can support sustainable development beyond just teaching sustainability, update my knowledge on recent sustainability developments, and gain insights from diverse teaching experiences and countries.

For me, the best part of the course was the space and time to actually think about how to embed sustainability in my teaching. This was achieved through the two seminars in Riga and Warsaw. Another highlight for me was the crowd – I met so many exceptional people during the course!

From the BUP Teachers Course, I will take away immediate ideas on innovative teaching methods and the value of diverse backgrounds in enriching the learning experience. The course reinforced my belief that we should focus on teaching students the skills they need to solve future sustainability challenges rather than just providing them with ready solutions. Additionally, it highlighted the importance of interdisciplinarity and systems thinking, which has inspired me to create a new course on Innovation and Industrial Change that I will start teaching in autumn 2024 at Åbo Akademi University.

Photo of Anastasia Tsvetkova

Images from the course

A person giving a presentation in front of a group of people seated at tables

Photo: Cecilia Lundberg

PhD Shepherd Urenje from Uppsala University giving a presentation at the workshop held at Riga Technical University in September 2023.

A group of people seated around a table

Photo: Cecilia Lundberg

Participants at the workshop held at Riga Technical University in September 2023.

People sitting around a table

Photo: Cecilia Lundberg

Some of the participating teachers at the workshop held at the Warsaw School of Economics in March 2024.

Two people sitting at table

Photo: Cecilia Lundberg

Participants at the workshop held at the Warsaw School of Economics in March 2024.

