BUP Student Conference 2024

The 2024 BUP Student Conference was held in Poznań, Poland between 15-18 April at Poznan University of Technology. The event welcomed 89 students from all 10 countries within the BUP, who represented 47 universities. This conference was held as part of the RESCUU project; focused on the sustainable resilience of Ukrainian universities and students. The central aim of BUP student conferences, as well as the RESCUU project, is to bring together students from around the Baltic Sea Region with a focus on an issue of key importance within sustainability science and stimulate inter-cultural exchange in an academic and interdisciplinary setting. Promoting academic cooperation, developing networking, and spreading sustainability knowledge are important objectives for the BUP, and this conference was developed with these aims in mind.

Program of the conference. Pdf, 70 kB.

Objectives of the conference

The conference was developed in collaboration with all partners involved in the RESCUU project and included contributions from Ukraine, Poland, and Sweden. As with many of the BUP’s events, the BUP looks to facilitate a platform for a common understanding of regional challenges and possibilities and open avenues for future cooperation on these issues. The war in Ukraine is of relevance to all in the region, and its effects are widespread. Therefore, this conference looked to approach the current conflict in the region from a sustainability standpoint, increasing knowledge amongst students and allowing them to network with fellow peers.

The following points were achieved by the participating students:

  • Present some of the effects of the war in Ukraine within various fields and sectors.
  • Problematise the effects of the war in Ukraine within a wider European context for students to understand the relevance and implications within sustainability science and their own country.
  • Encourage students to become problem-solving thinkers, with a view to the future and continuing a sustainable future and rebuilding.
  • Develop students’ expertise in interdisciplinary and intercultural communication.
  • Introduce and expand students’ skills in different academic activities: workshopping, debating, finding compromise, moderating, and presenting.

Students’ Parliament

An important part of the conference is the Students’ Parliament. It is an opportunity for student decision making to take centre stage and to increase their voice within the BUP. A key point is the election of a new Student Representative to the BUP Board. Congratulations to Paul Grohmann who was elected to the position. Read more from Paul. Thanks must also be passed to Tereza Homolova who after the conference completed her time as a BUP Student Representative.

A group of people standing in and around a round staircase

Students who took part in the conference. Photo: Pontus Ambros

Evaluation of the event

The evaluation was completed by 75 students on the final day of the conference.

There were many positives demonstrated in the feedback. The varied programme was particularly appreciated. Of note was the Baltic Debate. The students appreciated the chance to develop debating skills, learn about a new topic and engage in a friendly but competitive atmosphere.

Many of the social activities at the conference were also appreciated. These included a Cultural Party as well as activities run by students. Giving students the opportunity to develop connections in both an academic and personal setting is important for the BUP.

Both the accommodation and well as meals were praised by students. The accommodation was rated at 9.5/10 and the meals at 9.5/10.

In addition to the activities at the conference, and the conference itself, the evaluation also asked the students about the future and the experiences that they have gained.

Quotes from the evaluation

"Loved the culture party, so fun seeing different traditions and getting more opportunity to engage with fellow participants."

"I liked debates the most, because everybody was involved. I gained experience in public speaking and brainstorming."

"Loved to meet like minded people, who made me see things in different perspectives."

Potential improvements

The BUP is always looking to improve our activities, including conferences, in the future. We therefore welcome all feedback, as this is a real opportunity for the BUP to improve and further tailor activities for future students. Increasing the amount of time for discussion and interaction between experts and staff is one key point. This is a definite for the BUP in the future and we want to facilitate as much discussion as possible.

In a similar fashion, is increasing the interactivity of lectures. How can the BUP make lectures more dynamic, more engaging and more hands-on? This is something that the organisers as well as Student Representatives’ will take forward.

Organiser voice

"This year’s student conference was very successful as well as special, despite the complicated topic. Organising a conference concerning an ongoing war, while still maintaining an objective and scientific approach is not easy. Although the complicated topic, we are very satisfied with the outcome, with many thanks to our skilled experts and engaged students, who fostered a critical discussion and a respectful atmosphere. The organisers from Poznan University of Technology also made a great host, through their dedicated work and preparation. All in all, the conference highlighted some of the best sides of the BUP, namely how experts and students from all over our region can come together to discuss complicated and sensitive issues in a respectful and scientific. We also want to extend a big thank you to our funders the Swedish Institute, who made this conference possible."

Results of the event

The students gave a rating of 8.7/10 in response to the question of to what extent the conference has been worthwhile in attending in terms of studies, future aspirations and career.

In addition to the activities at the conference, the evaluation also asked the students about their experiences, their engagement and their future. The following is a sample of these results, demonstrating strong engagement with both the aims of the conference, but also the aims of the BUP, of promoting sustainability science across the Baltic Sea Region.

"I have gained a lot of knowledge and experience. Also, I have met a lot of wonderful people."

"First of all thanks to this conference, I realised that there are large-scale problems that some people turn a blind eye to, you need to be more interested in the problems of society and look for ways to solve problems."

"A lot of new knowledge about nuclear power and other forms of energy, as well as a better understanding of the energy situation across the Baltic Sea region and particularly in Ukraine."

"These conferences are so nourishing to learn other cultures and people outside my ‘bubble’. The topic was very interesting for me."

"I’ve gained a lot of knowledge and also met almost a hundred amazing people. I’ll never forget that."

Participant evaluations

  • Students gave the event an overall rating of 9.3/10.
  • Communication between the BUP staff and students was rated highly, both before the event, 9.5/10, and at the event, 9.5/10.
  • Communication between the students and the local organising staff at Poznan University of Technology was also rated well, before the event, 8.9/10 and during the event, 9.5/10.

Images from the Student Conference

A person giving a presentation in front of a large projector screen

Photo: Pontus Ambros

Magdalena Lachowicz, Adam Mickiewicz University, gave a lecture on the opening day. The title was 'Russia as a threat and potential for peace building in the Baltic States Region'.

Three people sitting by a desk on a stage

Photo: Pontus Ambros

The students Ada Kamińska and Klaudia Jasiewicz, Adam Mickiewicz University, then gave a presentation on 'Post-colonialism and displacement'.

A person in a crowd, holding a microphone

Photo: Pontus Ambros

The participating students had the opportunity to ask questions to all the presenters.

A person with ab headset microphone

Photo: Pontus Ambros

Mikael Höök, Uppsala University, gave the presentation 'Baltic Sea Region current energy dependencies, phasing out fossil fuels'.

A person giving a presentation

Photo: Pontus Ambros

Viktor Karamushka, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, gave a presentation on the Kakhovka Dam.

People writing on a whiteboard

Photo: Pontus Ambros

At many of the lectures the students had the opportunity to discuss and work hands on with the subjects in focus.

People dressed in colorful clothes

Photo: Pontus Ambros

At the 'Cultural party', the participants were treated to a performance of the dance Polonez which is ine of the Polish national dances.

A group of people standing behind a table

Photo: Pontus Ambros

The students shared food, drinks, and stories from their home countries. Pictured are some students who represented Sweden.

Two people giving a presentation in front of a projector screen

Photo: Pontus Ambros

Participating in the conference meant you were given the chance to engage with students from all over the Baltic Sea Region while at the same time become familiar with preparing and giving presentations.

A person with a microphone

Photo: Khrystyna Martyniak

The students were divided into groups at the 'Baltic Debate' during which they were to debate for or against nuclear power.

A person with a microphone

Photo: Khrystyna Martyniak

After a fruitful debate the side who spoke against nuclear power were the winners of the debate.

Four people sitting at a table on a stage.

Photo: Pontus Ambros

The program also contained a panel discussion which focused on the subject 'A new era for the Baltic Sea Region'. Pictured from the left are Mikael Höök, Uppsala University, Ielyzaveta Kulich, National Technical University of Ukraine, Viktar Baranau, Adam Mickiewicz University, and Evan Goss from the BUP.

People sitting in front of a large projector screen

Photo: Khrystyna Martyniak

The last part of the conference is the Students' Parliament.

A person smiling

Photo: Pontus Ambros

The attending students elected Paul Grohmann, representing Lund University, as their new Student Representative for the BUP International Board.

