National Program for Doctoral Courses in Human Geography

The National Program for Doctoral Courses in Human Geography was established in 1997. It aims to:

  • Offer courses for Sweden’s PhD students in human geography, with instructors from Sweden and abroad
  • Give all of our PhD students the benefit of expertise outside one’s home department
  • Allow PhD students to meet senior researchers as well as their colleagues from other departments

An average of four courses are offered per year, some of which are regularly recurring. The selection of doctoral courses is made by a steering committee consisting of representatives of each participating department. The group is currently led (since 2022) by Associate Professor David Jansson, Department of Human Geography, Uppsala University.

Courses that are included in the program usually comprise 7.5 ECTS credits, and course meetings take place on two or three occasions to limit travel expenses (occasionally a course will be offered as a week-long experience). The costs incurred for participating doctoral students are paid by their respective departments.

If places are available, courses are also open for postgraduate students in other disciplines, but course fees may apply (contact the course organizer).

Cooperation with human geographers at the University of Oslo

PhD students in human geography at the University of Oslo’s Department of Sociology and Human Geography have the right to take courses in the Swedish national program without a course fee.

All Swedish PhD students in human geography have the right to take PhD courses in human geography at the University of Oslo without a course fee. The courses can be found at the subject search page where the relevant courses begin with ”SGO” and where ”avhandlingsseminarier” are excluded.

National listserv for PhD students in human geography in Sweden

The PhD students in human geography at Uppsala University have created a listserv for all PhD students in the subject in Sweden. The purpose is to provide increased opportunities for networking and information exchange across departmental boundaries. If you are a PhD student in human geography in Sweden and want to be added to the listserv, or have questions about it, contact Olivia Butler ( or Adam Lundberg (

National PhD Courses in Human Geography 2025

Qualitative Methods: From the Archives to the Field
17–19 September, 15–17 October, 2025.
Organizers: Stockhoms universitet, Göteborgs universitet.
Course Description Qualitative Methods Pdf, 85 kB.
Contact: Kanchana N Ruwanpura, Göteborgs universitet, e-post:
Application deadline: TBD

National PhD Courses in Human Geography 2024

Research Frontiers in Economic Geography
8-9 February, 7-8 March, 10-12 April.
Organizers: Uppsala University, Lund University, University of Gothenburg, Umeå University.
Course description PDF Pdf, 109 kB.

Landscape and Labor
20-24 May.
Organizers: Uppsala University, Lund University, Mid Sweden University.
Course description PDF Pdf, 109 kB.

Time-geography: Theoretical Approach, Notation System and Methods
4-6 September, 11-13 November.
Organizers: University of Gothenburg, Linköping University, Jönköping University.
Course description PDF Pdf, 98 kB.
Contact: Eva Thulin, University of Gothenburg, e-mail:
Application deadline: 15 June 2024

Development Geographies: Current Debates
18-20 September, 6-8 November.
Organizers: University of Gothenburg, Stockholm University.
Course description PDF Pdf, 117 kB.
Contact: Kanchana N Ruwanpura, University of Gothenburg, e-mail:
Application deadline: 15 June 2024 Application DOCX Word, 13 kB.

Rural Transformations and Social Movements in the 21st Century (Course description PDF) Pdf, 174 kB.
Classics in Theories of Space and Place (Course description (PDF)) Pdf, 238 kB.
Feminist Geographies (Course description (PDF)) Pdf, 179 kB.

Economic Geography (Course Description PDF Pdf, 167 kB.)
Landscape and History (Course Description PDF Pdf, 298 kB.)
Class and the City (Course Description PDF Pdf, 271 kB.)
Regional Development - Nordic perspectives (Course Description PDF Pdf, 116 kB.)
Development Geographies - Current Debates (Course Description PDF Pdf, 107 kB.)

Classics in Spatial Theory
Time Geography
Future Geographies

Economic Geography

Classics in Spatial Theory
Feminist Geographies
Topics in Political Geography
Agrarian Transformation under Modernization
Urban Rage in the Urban Age: Crisis and the Transformation of Cities

Qualitative Methods
Global Urbanism
Landscape and Production

Economic Geography
Political Geography
Time Geography
Media Geographies

Housing, the City and Justice
Landscape and Identity

Global Urbanism
Economic Geography
Time Geography

Mobility, Security and Space
Landscape and Modernity
Political Geography

Social Theory and Geography
Economic Geography
Development, Livelihoods and Rural-urban Interaction
Gender Theory and Spatial Understanding

Urban Conflict and Urban Justice
Landscape and Resources
Remote Sensing for Social Scientists

Mobility, Security and Space
Economic Geography
Qualitative Methods

Landscape and Justice
Time Geography
Gender Theory and Spatial Understanding
Mobility in Time and Space


