Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery (7.5 cr)

AI and self-learning machines are rapidly opening new doors in pharmaceutical research. News recently reported about Artificial Intelligence identifying an active substance against liver cancer in one month, a process that with traditional methods would take many years. In this course we overview the new technology and the possibilities it brings to the world of pharmacy.

Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery (7.5 cr)

Artificial Intelligence has in a short time fully integrated into our everyday lives and the progress is accelerating. Also within life sciences, new technology enables accomplishments that were previously unthinkable. Where researchers have long lacked the resources to fully utilize the enormous quantities of information that many biomedical experiments generate, self-learning machines manage each piece of data to identify patterns and to take modern pharmacy yet another step forward.

The online course Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery gives you an introduction to the use of AI and machine learning in life sciences. We cover all stages from basic theoretical concepts to practical application and validation of AI models. You will also meet guest speakers from industry and academia that will report on current projects where AI is central to the development of new drugs.

Welcome to a course where we explore the opportunities and challenges that Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence is generating within pharmaceutical research, now and in the future.

Jonathan Alvarsson, course leader
Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences

