
Cross section measurements at NFS

Cross section measurements are the crucial input parameters for data evaluations and nuclear reaction model development.

A key ingredient in nuclear models is the optical potential describing interactions of a nucleon with a nucleus.

Data on elastic scattering is needed to form the optical potential. Light-ion production is another ingredient, and, last-not-least, knowledge of reference cross-sections is needed.

The Nuclear reactions research group is working with the Neutrons For Science (NFS) facility at the GANIL accelerator laboratory. The plan is to make measurements of

  • light-ion production in neutron induced reaction with various target nuclei
  • elastic (n,p) and (n,d) scattering
  • fission fragment angular distributions

with a setup called Medley.

Preparation of the Medley setup

Preparation of the Medley setup.

An arrangement of eight three-element detectors is mounted inside a scattering chamber. The chamber is evacuated during experimental runs.

Medley, ritning.

Detection is based on DE-DE-E technique, using silicon surface barrier and CsI detectors. An optional collimator can be mounted in front of each telescope. The principle is shown in the figure below.

Schematisk figur för strålgång i Medley.

Selected publications

Our plans for use of the Medley setup (previously at TSL) at NFS are described in these documents:

Letter of Intent 1 (pdf)
Letter of Intent 2 (pdf)

The following publications describe Medley as previously used:

R. Bevilacqua et al.
Medley spectrometer for light ions in neutron induced reactions at 175 MeV
Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2011.04.036

S. Pomp, R. Bevilacqua et al.
A Medley with over ten years of (mostly) light-ion production measurements at The Svedberg Laboratory
EPJ Web of Conferences Volume 8, 2010 doi: 10.1051/epjconf/20100807013


