Nuclear Fuel Diagnostics and Safeguards and Safeguards Group

The nuclear fuel diagnostics and nuclear safeguards group is developing new experimental methods, mainly to investigate the properties of nuclear fuel.

Nuclear fuel diagnostics is the study of the processes going on in the fission process. We are developing core monitoring systems for reactors of Generation IV, and advanced systems for void control in boiling water reactors. Other techniques concern the study of used nuclear fuel, in order to make the best use of it.

Nuclear safeguards concerns efforts to ensure that the nuclear material is used by States in accordance with international treaties. These treaties aim to deter from diversion of nuclear material, and to enable the control of nuclear material and technologies. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Euratom and the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) regularly perform inspections in Swedish nuclear facilities. We assist such inspecting bodies with the development of instrumentation techniques and analysis methodologies, aiming to strengthen nuclear safeguards for both current and future nuclear energy systems.

Research areas

The work within the group can be described as four overlapping areas:

Nuclear safeguards

Safeguards are the international efforts concerning non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. The inspecting authorities make use of experimental techniques to ensure that the nuclear material is used in accordance with international treaties.

Efficient reactor operation

By studying the fuel performance in the reactors using experimental techniques, the purpose is to learn how to use the fuel more efficiently and thus to limit the amount of generated waste.

The management of used nuclear fuel

Here, experimental techniques are used to ensure safe and secure handling of the highly radioactive waste. The work is primarily focused on methods for use prior to encapsulation and final storage.

Future energy systems

The group is also involved in development of instrumentation and control for reactors in generation IV.

Learn more about our research projects by following the links to the right.



Group members

Research leader: Ane Håkansson, Sophie Grape
Group members: Erik Branger, Débora Montano Trombetta, Vaibhav Mishra, Zsolt Elter, Claudia Olaru, Members
Further members can be found in the University directory.


