Injuries and incidents

An occupational injury is an accident at work or during studies, a travel accident to or from studies or an occupational disease (“OUCH”).

An incident means that something has happened where one or several people could have been injured but no one got hurt at the time, a near-miss accident (“OOPS”).

Both occupational injuries and incidents must be reported.

Reporting occupational injuries and incidents

As a student, you, like employees, are responsible for reporting incidents and occupational injuries to your teacher/supervisor/head of department/equivalent. Reporting is important so that you can receive any compensation to which you are entitled now or in the future. It also helps the University in its efforts to improve your and others' study environment.

What should you do?

  1. If you suffered an occupational injury or incident, you should contact the person responsible for your course. The course coordinator will help you to ensure that the occupational injury or incident is reported per the university's procedures. The university reports all occupational injuries to the Swedish Social Insurance Agency.
  2. If you suffered an occupational injury that has been reported to the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, you can apply for compensation from Kammarkollegiet's accident insurance. The accident insurance applies if you have had an accident during scheduled studies or travel to and from your studies. The insurance applies both to studies in Sweden and abroad.

What should the University do?

  1. Your Head of Department/equivalent reports the work-related injury or incident in the IA system, the university's system for reporting this type of incident. The Head of department is responsible for ensuring that the work-related injury or incident is investigated, and any measures taken and followed up. The student safety representative must be informed.

