Marketing and Organising - Group and Individual

15 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 2FE211

Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Business Studies G1F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Department Board, 7 February 2024
Responsible department
Department of Business Studies

General provisions

The course is given as a freestanding course. The course syllabus was approved by the board of The Department of Business Studies on delegation from the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Entry requirements

Completed 15 credits from basic courses (A-level) in business studies, and registered for another 15 credits at the same level.

Learning outcomes

The general aim of the course is to create an understanding of the behavior of individuals, groups and organisations in different situations and contexts. This mainly concerns the understanding of consumers' role and behavior. Further the understanding of co-workers' role and the behavior of the group and the organisation. The course builds on knowledge acquired of organisation and marketing at the A-level, as well as knowledge obtained in parallel courses at the A-level about governance of businesses and management control.

The students are trained to independently and critically formulate and analyse problems in business studies' and the course covers two subject areas: consumer behavior and linked to this the companies' market activities as well as organisational and management problems in different types of organisations.

An overarching goal of the course is also to develop the course participants' ability to carry out investigations on a scientific basis, which includes independently seeing opportunities, identifying and formulating problems, collecting relevant information and critically evaluating this, and seeking to answer questions using the scientific method.

On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  • independently and critically identify, formulate and analyse business economic problems in the areas of consumer behavior and work organisation and leadership,
  • understand and explain consumers' behavior,
  • apply basic knowledge of what determines human behavior in order to analyse events and situations in the business economic practice,
  • describe and analyse how different aspects and problems of individuals, groups and organisations affect their ability to achieve enterprise goals,
  • describe and reflect on different forms of organisation and analyse the variation in theoretically based organisational and management models,
  • explain, reflect and relate critically to the various models presented in the readings,
  • summarise complex information and make qualified written presentations,
  • evaluate other students' analyses and solutions on organisational and market related problems,
  • participate in and have developed their ability to collaborate through, for example, group work.


The course is organised around a number of topics with practical connection. The overall question has to do with the ways in which different individual, group and organisational characteristics affect an organisation's activities. For example, the course gives an in-depth picture of how companies work practically in market issues and how the organisation can get people to work toward common goals, handling conflicts or making decisions. Also, internal and external communication as well as how companies can work with marketing-related issues linked to consumer behavior. The course seeks to create awareness and understanding of the forces and the dynamics at work in human processes in the working life


The course is given in Swedish with mainly English literature. The course is completely web-based and is based on self-study. Information about different activities is only available on the website of the course. The course does not require any mandatory physical attendance - however, examination take place physically on site, see under Assessment.

The communication between participating students and teachers occurs mainly via the website and its various communication forums. This requires that the participants have access to Internet-connected computer and appropriate equipment according to instructions on the website of the course. The instructions are based on for example web-based lectures, individual written assignments, written tests and written assignments in groups.


The examination consists of two modules:

  1. Continuous written assignments and tests, individually and in groups, 10 credits (U, G, VG)  
  2. Individual written test on site in Uppsala, 5 credits (U, G, VG)

and a joint grade is given for the entire course, 15 credits. The grade scale used is Passed (VG), Passed (G) and Failed (U). For the course grade G on the course, at least the grade G is required on both modules. For the course grade VG on the course, the grade VG is required on both modules. The examination in module 1 takes place continuously through individual and group-wise examination tasks and tests, where all examinations take place via the web. In Module 2 the individual written test of 5 credits is examined in the form of an exam in a hall, in Uppsala.

Grading criteria are reported in the study guide or corresponding document that applies to each course section.

Students who have not received a passing grade on Module 1 must redo this module, which can only be done by re-registration at future course sessions. For students who have not received a passing grade on Module 2 there is the option of being examined without re-registration via summary writing in the hall or writing in the hall at future course events.

If there are special reasons for doing so, an examiner may make an exception from the method of assessment indicated and allow a student to be assessed by another method. An example of special reasons might be a certificate regarding special pedagogical support from the University's disability coordinator.

Uppsala University does not accept cheating or plagiarism. Suspected incidents of cheating or plagiarism are reported to the Vice-Chancellor, which may issue a formal warning to the student or suspend the student from studies for a certain period.

NOTE: Only completed courses can count toward a degree.

Other directives

The course deals with market issues and topics in the consumer behavior area as much as related topics in organisation and the organisational behavior area.

This course replaces/overlaps among others Marketing, consumers and companies 2FE201, 2FE205, Organisational Behaviour 2FE203, 2FE207, 2FE223, Management 2FE030, Basic Marketing 2 2FE998, Organisation Studies II: The Organisation and its Environment 2FE996 and Marketing and organisation II 2FE251, Business and Organising in Change 2FE256.

