Solar cells on trucks for environmentally friendly transports

Lastbil på väg

Development of new systems with modern solar cells on trucks - to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide from transport and balance the electricity grid.

  • Period: 2021-01-01 – 2023-08-31
  • Budget: 8,295,158 SEK
  • Funder: Vinnova

About the truck project

One of the biggest challenges today is to reduce CO2 emissions from fossil fuels to reduce the climate impact, and in Sweden a large part of the fossil fuels are used to drive transport. The goal of this project is to develop new systems with modern solar cells on trucks to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from transport and to balance the electricity grid.

In the project, actors all the way from research (Uppsala University), vehicle manufacturers (Scania), trailer manufacturers (MT Eksjö), solar cell manufacturers (Midsummer), energy companies (Dalakraft) and users (Ernsts Express) will collaborate for a new generation of trucks where solar energy can directly reduce CO2 emissions.

The ongoing construction of the truck

The truck was designed and built in 2021-2022, has been tested on test track and public roads during 2023, and will be tested in commercial operation during 2024. On this page you will be able to follow the ongoing work.

The trailer is now ready for use in the project.

Installation of the first solar panels on the trailer in Eksjö.

Trailer with the first solar panels installed, on the way to operational testing.

Installation of approx. 115 m2 solar panels on the roof and sides of the trailer.

Installation of solar panels are now completed.

Construction of electronics and electrical systems with batteries.

The truck with solar cells on the entire trailer has been tested on a test track for a long time.

The truck is now being tested on public roads.

Project leader: Erik Johansson


  • If you have any questions about our research, you are welcome to contact Professor Erik Johansson.
  • Erik Johansson

