Our alumni

Here we present some of all the skilled employees at our research group in Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical Chemistry who have moved on to new challenges in their careers.

Marcus Wanselius, APL

Marcus Wanselius earned his Master of Science in Pharmacy at Uppsala University in 2014 and began his PhD studies within Pharmaceutical Physical Chemistry at Uppsala University in the spring of 2018, after working as a pharmacy manager for several years. In October 2023, Marcus defended his thesis Development and characterization of an in vitro method for interaction studies between polymers and pharmaceuticals: Aiding in the development of new drug delivery systems.

Marcus is currently working as a Formulation Scientist at APL (Apotek Produktion & Laboratorier AB)..

Lars Geurink alumn

Agnes Rodler, Recipharm

Agnes Rodler joined our research group and SweDeliver's Work Package Parenteral drug delivery in spring 2018 as a postdok. Agnes worked in the project New in vitro models for subcutaneous administration of drugs with the aim to develop an in vitro model to predict in vivo behavior for subcutaneous injections.

Agnes is currently working as a Senior Formulation Scientist at Recipharm.

Lars Geurink alumn

Enamul Mojumdar, Malmö University

Enamul Mojumdar anslöt april 2022 som forskare till vår grupp och SweDelivers Arbetspaket Parenteral läkemedelstillförsel. Enamul arbetade i projektet Nya in vitro metoder för ökad kunskap om biologiska läkemedels transportegenskaper.

Enamul is currently working as a researcher at Malmö University.

Lars Geurink alumn

