Natural science collection

The Klingenstierna collection

This collection arrived in Uppsala from London in 1739. Samuel Klingenstierna (1698 – 1765) had, as newly appointed Professor of Physics, received money from the University to purchase modern physics instruments for teaching. It was not only students who were able to experience demonstrations and experiments, but also invited guests were given the opportunity to experience physics as entertainment, during the demonstration of an electricity device, compressed air fountain or laterna magica.

portrait of man with curly white wig

Portrait of Samuel Klingenstierna

The natural science collection today

Today, a large number of instruments used at Uppsala University are included in the natural science collection. The oldest object is from the 16th century and the youngest from 1982. Here you can find, among other things, measuring instruments, mechanical models and equipment used in experiments with electricity. One of the most famous objects is Anders Celsius’ thermometer. But there are also objects connected to such prominent scientists as Knut and Anders Ångström, Alvar Gullstrand, Arne Tiselius, The Svedberg, and Manne and Kai Siegbahn.

model of an electron spectrometer

Kai Siegbahns model of electron spectrometer.

Visit us

If you are interested in visiting the archive in connection with your research or teaching, please contact us and book a visit via

