Priority for reemployment

According to 25 § The Employment Protection Act [LAS] you can have the right to priority for reemployment. If you choose to request priority for reemployment, you will be seen as an applicant for the open positions that correspond to your application.

To request a priority for reemployment, as an employee of Uppsala University, the following conditions must be fulfilled:

  • your employment has been terminated owing to shortage of work OR your latest employment has been on a fixed-term contract according to 5 § The Employment Protection Act [LAS] and/or chapter 4 the Higher Education Ordinance [Högskoleförordningen]. The right to priority for reemployment does not apply if you only have or had an employment as, for example, a PhD student.
  • at the time of your employment contract ending, you must have been employed at Uppsala University at least 12 months in total during the past three years or been employed in a special fixed-term employment [särskild visstidsanställning, SÄVA] for more than 9 months in total during the past three years for the right to reemployment to a new special fixed-term employment [SÄVA].
  • you have requested priority for reemployment.
  • you have sufficient qualifications for the new employment.
  • employees over the age of 69 are not eligible for priority for reemployment.

The constitutional requirement of objective grounds (merit and competence) for governmental employment contracts take precedence over priority for reemployment.

The priority for reemployment is valid from the day you make the request for such priority until nine months have passed from the final day of your employment. You can make your request for reemployment from the day you get a notice of termination or a notice that your limited employment will not be continued.


HR at your department.

