This is up in our research group

Here you will find news from our research group in Analytical Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Please contact us for more details.

New thesis introduces high tech tools to expose doping

In her thesis, Malin Nilsson Broberg launches new methods to trace use of illegal doping substances. "Our group has already helped to expose two cheating Olympic medalists, so these are without a doubt tools that can contribute to cleaner sports," says Malin on site in Uppsala University's laboratory for Analytical Pharmaceutical Chemistry.

Malin defended her thesis in an outstanding way Friday 22 March. Our congratulations to an excellent job PhD Nilsson Broberg.

Malin Nilsson Broberg

SRC grants SEK 3.75 million to Professor Mikael Hedeland

The Swedish Research Council allocates SEK 3.75 million to Mikael Hedeland, Professor of Analytical pharmaceutical chemistry, for the development of methods to analyse lipids.

“The grant allows us to take the next important step in an ongoing project with a focus on more effective treatment of primary liver cancer. We will shortly begin the recruitment of a PhD student with the aim to develop methods for more precise lipid analyses, tools that we will benefit greatly from in our interdisciplinary collaboration with, above all, medical research,” states Mikael Hedeland.

Mikael Hedeland, professor i AFK


