Watercolours, drawings and prints

Art on paper in various techniques

The art collection also includes watercolours, drawings and prints. Among other things, there are extensive series with topographical motifs from the 18th and 19th centuries, as well as engraved portraits from different periods. The collection of drawings and watercolours includes sketches as well as finished works of art.

Drawings from “Ritsalen”

Many drawings and engravings belong to the picture collection of the so-called Ritsalen (‘Drawing Hall’) in the University Main Building. Drawing lessons were held there for students – a tradition with roots in the 17th century that still continues today. The collection contains, among other things, figure motifs and views from nature that were used as models in the teaching.

Drawings and watercolours by Bruno Liljefors

The collection also contains a large number of drawings and watercolours by Bruno Liljefors. Together with a series of oil paintings by the artist, they were donated to the University by Lindorm and Marianne Liljefors in 1978 and 1982. Many are sketches and preliminary studies for motifs that were then executed as oil paintings.

drawing of treebranches in a red colour.

Engraving with tree studies from Ritsalen, 18th century, UU 2493.

painting of an owl sitting on a branch.

Bruno Liljefors, "Owl", 1895, UU 1193.

Want to know more about the collection?

As a private individual, you can access the objects in our collections in various ways. Look out for our events, visit the Gustavianum's various exhibitions or search for the objects on the digital platform Alvin. If you have specific questions, you can contact our antiquarians for each collection.

