Guide to written and oral communication

En kvinnlig och en manlig student som sitter i ett bibliotek och arbetar framför en dator.

An important role of professional pharmacists and prescriptionists is to communicate with the public, colleagues, healthcare professionals and others in a way that makes the information accessible and understandable.

That requires good subject knowledge and the ability to express and convey your expertise in Swedish and English and to adapt the presentation to the recipient’s knowledge level.

At the Faculty of Pharmacy, we believe that “expressing yourself well in Swedish and English” means that the message is understandable to recipients without further experience of the current situation.

Written and oral presentations of laboratory work, PMs and other parts of the programmes’ courses should give you communication practice. PUFF’s guide to written and oral communication is a step-by-step guide to improve your written and oral presentation skills during the programme. The guide includes information and advice on text layout and reference management, oral presentations, oppositions and reports after course laboratories.

A scientific study is not complete until the results are published. That can be in the form of an article in a scientific journal, but also as scientific and popular papers, reports, lectures and posters. Also, research in a field must be summarised and discussed from a broader perspective for the knowledge to be useful.

All presentations are done to convey a message. Therefore, present from the recipients’ perspective: How do you get and maintain their interest, and how do you describe your results so they understand? The presentations will therefore look different for different target groups. It is crucial to consider the target audience when preparing the presentation.

Your presentations must be your own. You describe your results and discuss them in your own words. When summarising what others have done, for example, in the introduction and discussion, use your own words and indicate the source of your information. Copying text without acknowledging the source is considered plagiarism. Even if you cite the source, you may not copy more than a single sentence (in quotation marks) and must otherwise reproduce the information in your own words.

Read what is considered cheating and plagiarism

