Checklist for master and bachelor theses

Här är en checklista för kontroll av detaljer som behöver åtgärdas i rapporten innan den lämnas in:

  • I have a front page that contains
    • The title
    • My name
    • The subject of the report
    • My programme (including Uppsala University)
    • Number of credits
    • My department
    • The term the project started (for example, the autumn term of 2015)
    • The name of my supervisor
    • Where the work was done
    • The name of my examiner
  • The report has a table of contents.
  • I have written an abstract that summarises the entire paper, which is no longer than the instructions allow.
  • I have written a popular science summary in simple language on the page after the abstract.
  • My purpose is clear and does not include "to study" or "to describe" ..., but uses more active verbs, for example, "to analyse" and "to evaluate" ..., and has a brief overview of why the project was implemented (general).
  • The purpose and questions are answered in the report.
  • I have actual RESULTS in the Results section, no discussion (in exceptional cases, citations in the Results section, for example, in literature reviews).
  • I have an actual DISCUSSION in the Discussion section, that is, I do not report any new results in the Discussion section.
  • At the end of the discussion, I have a critical evaluation of my work (strengths and weaknesses) and a text on how the subject of the report can be further developed.
  • I have a conclusion at the end that does not present any new data.
  • When referencing, I have cited the relevant reference at the end of the first sentence of a topic. The following text may be on the same topic but on a more detailed level without having to cite again.
  • I systematically manage references, that is, if I have chosen to have the references numbered, they will be in the same order as they are presented in the paper.
  • If I use numbers, the references have the same numeric order in which they are presented (they are written as (1, 3, 5-8) [not (1) (3) (5) (6) (7) (8)]).
  • I have checked that each paragraph is a unit with a specific theme that is introduced/presented/discussed. When a new theme begins, I have also started a new paragraph, but not before.
  • I have checked that there are no paragraphs with just one sentence.
  • If I have tables and figures in the Appendix, they are numbered as Table A1, Figure A1 etc. and not continuing the number series of the other tables and figures in the paper.

  • I have checked that I follow the basic text rules:
  • Each sentence begins with a capital letter.
  • The sentences are structured in a grammatically correct way.
  • The words are spelt correctly.
  • There is a space between full stops or commas and the next word.
  • There are no double spaces between words.
  • There is no space between the last word in a sentence and the full stop.
  • There is no space between a word and a comma.
  • I have checked that the line spacing is the same between all paragraphs throughout the entire paper. That is, if you choose to have a space between two paragraphs, all paragraphs should be separated by spaces. If only line breaks, all paragraphs should only have line breaks.
  • When I write abbreviations, they are explained the first time they are mentioned, such as “kidney function (KF)”, and in all instances thereafter only the abbreviation is used. An abbreviation is not needed if it is mentioned less than 3 times in the text.
  • I have checked that all drug substance names start with a lowercase letter, all commercial drug names with a capital letter and that all drug/preparation names are spelt correctly in the language I’m writing (for example omeprazole and Losec®).
  • The names of institutions and similar in all places begin with a capital letter, and the abbreviations are correctly written (For example, in Swedish: Stockholms läns landsting, Läkemedelsverket, Uppsala universitet and in English: Stockholm County Council, Swedish Medical Products Agency, Uppsala University).
  • If I have written in Swedish, I can use upper or lowercase letters on tables, appendices, figures etc.
  • I have not written “Figure Five” but “Figure 5” or “Figure V”.
  • If I have written in English, I have written all “names” (that is all nouns describing something significant) in capital letters, for example, Table, Figure, Appendix, Group, Equation etc. For example, “A plot of the data can be seen in Figure 3”.
  • If I have written in English, I never start a sentence with numerals. In that case, I have written the figure in letter form: “Three hundred and forty-five patients were included”. Usually, though, it is better to rewrite the phrase “The number of patients included was 345”.
  • If I have written in Swedish, I should preferably not have numbers at the beginning of a sentence.
  • If I have written in Swedish, I have not expressed myself with too many “stycken”: ”Gruppen bestod av 14 stycken diabetespatienter…” but ”Gruppen bestod av 14 diabetespatienter”.
  • I have described the contents of the head of figures and tables in Appendices as well, in the same way as tables and figures in the text.
  • In English, I have written “administered” and not “administrated”.
  • I have written “Materials and Methods” in plural form.
  • I have not used too many (see Table 5) when writing (Table 5) is enough.
  • I have not used unnecessary words in table or figure texts, for example, “Table 3. Showing abc”. It is enough with “Table 3. Abc…”.
