Art application:Terms and conditions

The Public Art Agency Sweden is responsible for and pays for:

  • A consultant who makes proposals for the new art collection. The authority disposes of the state art free of charge.
  • 4 hour review of existing art.
  • Any purchases of new works of art, signs for the artwork and the cost of reframing older works of art that are part of the new collection.

The applicant department is responsible for:

  • To form a representative consultation group of 2–3 people with the department's mandate to decide on selection and placement under the guidance of the Public Art Agency Sweden Arts' consultant.
  • Pay for transport of the art collection to its premises.
  • Pay technicians, who, in consultation with the department and the Arts' consultant, mount the artworks to prevent damage and theft.
  • Pay any hourly cost (SEK 673 per hour, adjusted annually in accordance with CPI) for the consultant's review (beyond 4 hours) and rehanging of existing artwork (a time estimate is made by the consultant before the work is carried out).
  • Pay for reframing of the authority's existing artwork (this takes place after the authority's consultation with the consultant).
  • Register new works of art in the Art Database in accordance with SFS no: 1990:195. (This is carried out by Gustavianum, Uppsala University Museum.)
  • OBS! Informera konstansvarig på er myndighet innan ni skickar in ansökan.

Note! Inform the art manager at your authority before you send in the application.

Art manager for the Public Art Agency Sweden within Uppsala University is Rebecca Flodin, Gustavianum, Uppsala University Museum.

