A Beginner's Guide to Swedish Academia

A magnifying glass held over Sweden on a map

This one-hour online workshop in English, will provide an overview of the most important aspects of the Swedish academic system – Swedish academia in a nutshell. It is based on the Young Academy of Sweden's publication A Beginner's Guide to Swedish Academia. This guide explains the university system to researchers who are new to the Swedish system, e.g. how merits are evaluated, how institutions of higher education are organized, as well as concrete practical questions.

This course is aimed at

  • Researcher with a doctoral degree
  • Doctoral student
  • Research Leader
  • Teacher


  • Career support

Target group

This workshop is for researchers, teaching staff, doctoral students and academic leaders at Uppsala University. The workshop is primarily aimed at those who are new to the Swedish research system. If you have been here longer but still have questions, you are also most welcome.


While mobility is advantageous for the research system as a whole, individual scien­tists may often encounter obstacles. Indeed, when moving to a new country, one discovers a lot of formal and informal structures and traditions. How is my university governed? Where can I get funding for my research? How is undergraduate teaching organised? What support can I expect as a member of faculty?

In this workshop we will emphasise overarching principles and structures within the academic system. In an effort to illustrate how university policy and govern­ment regulation interplay with customs and habits, we will combine information from legislation and government sources with expe­riences of scientists who arrived in Sweden as junior researchers. We will also provide some information on everyday practicalities, including social security benefits and language in Swedish academia.

Download pdf: "A Beginner's Guide to Swedish Academia", Young Academy of Sweden.

Workshop leaders

Andreas Nord, associate professor in biology at Lunds University
Janina Seubert, associate professor in psychology at Karolinska Institutet
Yaffa Epstein, associate professor in environmental law at Uppsala University

Workshop offered by

Karriär & Ledning – Career and Leadership Development Centre
Uppsala universitet – Uppsala University

Course occasions and sign-up

12 november 2024, 13:0014:00
via Zoom
Distance learning
Language of instruction
Application deadline: 2024-11-05
A link to the application form

